16 | schooled by a twelve-year-old

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NAVIGATING THE BUSTLING STREETS OF NEW YORK CITY, percy and andie carried the weight of their imminent encounter with their parents that was either to be, or not to be.

city lights flickered above them, casting a warm glow on the pavement as they walked in silence. the crowded streets of new york enveloped them in a symphony of honks, chatter, and the rhythmic shuffle of hurried footsteps. skyscrapers towered overhead, their glass facades reflecting the myriad stories unfolding at ground level.

each step seemed to carry them deeper into the heart of the city, where the pulse of life echoed in the storefronts, street vendors, and glimpses of diverse faces passing by. amidst the urban chaos, percy and andie navigated the labyrinth of memories and apprehensions.

uncomfortably tugging on the strap of her backpack, andie spoke up. "percy, are you at all..." her voice quivered with a trace of vulnerability, mirroring the palpable uncertainty that surrounded their quest to find their parents. "nervous?"

percy nodded. "of course, i'm nervous." he admitted. "what if she's not there, and we have to go right back to camp? what if hades backed out on our deal?" the young demigod's anxieties reverberated against the city's cacophony.

andie, lost in her thoughts, stared at the ground as she walked. "yeah, i'm nervous about that too." she admitted. "but also, what if my dad really is there?" she asked. "i mean, i've spent the last ten years of my life imagining this moment. what if it's not what i expected?" she asked him, her voice trembling. "ten years is a long time. what if i'm not ready?"

percy was silent for a moment, trying to find the right words to say. "ten years is a long time." he echoed. "why would you wait another second?"

andie sighed, staring back at him. "wow. schooled by a twelve-year-old." she said quietly. "new low, andie. new low."

"i'm almost thirteen, you know." percy teased, a feeble attempt to inject a bit of humor into the tense atmosphere.

the girl rolled her eyes. "of course, i know." she told him. "you keep reminding me." she looked down at the ground, and couldn't help but let out a laugh.

percy arched an eyebrow, inviting her to share her amusement. "what?"

andie shook her head. "i'm just thinking about when i got that prophecy all those years ago." she told him. "how different i thought everything would be."

percy's curiosity sparked. "how so?"

the older girl sighed. "well, i thought the other half of my fate wouldn't be 'almost thirteen'." she told him. "i figured he'd be my age. and we'd save the world, maybe fall in love in the process."

percy's voice softened, a genuine empathy coloring his words. "i'm sorry that didn't work out."

andie shook her head, rolling her eyes. "no, percy. the point is, that was stupid." she said sternly shaking off the fantasy that had captured her for so many years. "i mean, you're not at all what i expected, but i guess the universe knows what it's doing sometimes." she gave him a small smile. "i'm glad i got an annoying little brother out of the deal."

a tender smile graced percy's lips. "i'm glad i got an annoying big sister, too."


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