Chapter 8: Gladiator

Start from the beginning

As she felt the straps settle into place and she got her breathing under control, Lux realized the wonderfully toned and lanky woman was looking at her, a mix of expectation and concern on her face. "Oh, yes, it did take me a bit by surprise, and I'm not inclined to teleport about. That was, ah, rather reckless actually." Her voice was coming out of a small grille set into the mask, though how it was letting sound out and not poisonous air in struck her as quite remarkable. "Wasn't all that bad of a first impression though, nice to know I'm wanted." Both of them blushed at Lux's unguarded comment, and stood apart awkwardly, neither sure of how to proceed.

"I'm Lux, by the way," she said, offering her hand to the one her soul craved.

"Jinx, stands for Jinx," said her soulmate, placing her remarkably slim hand into Lux's.

The moment skin touched skin, Lux and Jinx jolted as if shocked. Soul brushed against soul, eliciting sounds of ecstasy from both women. One soul, a tempest of riotous blues and neon pink, orbited and caressed the other, a warm ball of sunlight hiding a core of steel and fire.

Knees buckled, and Lux and Jinx collapsed together, running their hands over each other's exposed skin. Jinx rubbed her face into the crook of Lux's neck, her chest rumbling with a bonfire of desire as she crawled into Lux's lap, desperate to press herself into the other woman's embrace.

Lux couldn't risk taking the mask off, even as she craved the sensation of Jinx's lips on her own. So her hands went exploring, soaking in the tactile sensation of her soulmate's body, tracing the muscles of Jinx's taut abdomen, the curve of her shoulder blades, the dip of her lower back. When one especially bold hand grazed the gentle swell of Jinx's chest, the smaller woman stifled a deep moan by clamping her teeth onto Lux's neck, in turn provoking Lux to cry out in pleasure.

Time lost all meaning as the two souls writhed against each other, minds roiling with the infinite and the divine feeling of finally, after all this time, being with their other-self. Clothes were pushed aside, buckles of armor undone, hands roamed, fingers explored. Bliss, pure and sinful, trapped each of them in the other's embrace.

Time very suddenly had meaning again when a gunshot rang out, accompanied by a wrathful cry of "JINX!"

Jinx's head snapped up from Lux's neck, and she rose in a low crouch. Tightening up the loose waist of her pants, her eyes shimmering with magenta fire as she quelled the rubbery feeling in her legs. Looking at her love, Jinx offered a weak smile. "Sorry Sunshine, but I think I need to answer that. Um, stay low to the ground, try to stick to cover-"

The hiss of oiled steel on cured leather cut through what Jinx was going to say next as Lux drew her shortsword from its sheath and her wand from where she'd stuck it in her belt. Lux had refastened her cuirass with practiced speed, in spite of her love slick fingers. Stalking forward to join Jinx moving down the ramp, she remarked, "Not my first tangle with firearms babygirl, anyway who is this-"

Jinx, contrary to her own advice, stood all the way up, or as all the way up as five nothing could, "Babygirl? Come on, I've got a reputation to maintain, can't you pick something less cutesy?"

A piece of rubble clattered and Jinx whirled around, Zapper coming up from her holster to punch three holes in the chem-ganger who thought he was canny enough to get the drop on the one and only Jinx.

Lux brushed up against Jinx as they shared a chunk of rock for cover. "Aww, but I think you are cute... babygirl." Jinx flushed bright red, and Lux laughed even louder, bumping the cold metal of her respirator against Jinx's head in a crude approximation of a kiss.

More gunfire picked at the warehouse walls, interrupting the moment. "Jinx, you wretched slag, I'm gonna wring your neck, make a belt outta yer braids, and punt yer ugly mug into the Last Drop." roared the voice from outside the warehouse.

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