Chapter 5: Bury Me Face Down

Start from the beginning

Letting another sigh ripple through her, Jinx grabbed a dead flower, one of the hoity-toity topsider ones she'd stolen for the tea party, and stuck it behind her ear as she clomped over to the doorway to outside, snatching up the shovel that leaned against the door frame.

In spite of her explosive reclamation of her new bolt-hole from those chem-punks a while ago, most of the gravestones and headstones were largely intact.

Selecting one that was missing a name, Jinx shuffled around a bit. Before, she'd written out their names first, before digging a fresh grave, and letting the acidic muck of their homeland reclaim her family.

"Can't do that here," Jinx grumbled, shooting the short pink-haired Firelight a half-hearted glare, "didn't get your name, and I suspect calling you 'Not Vi' or 'Pinkie' won't cut it."

The scribble shook her head, and the static babble went up a few decibels in a crude mockery of intelligible speech. Jinx pouted, "Fuckin figures. Gonna have to get names and shit the next time I go for a moonlit walk."

Sinking the shovel into the swampy muck of the graveyard, Jinx started clearing out a small cubic rectangle for the flower. It was still sorta pink, a far cry from the vibrant magenta it had once been. But, credit where credit was due, the little sprout hadn't withered into black crumbs even after all the weeks of exposure to the gray of Zaun.

As she finished emptying the hole, Jinx grunted and started trying to figure out how to bury a flower when the 'grave' filled with water just as fast as she shoveled, the whine of a hoverboard filtered through the haze that hung over the warehouse.

Zapper was in Jinx's hand faster than thought, and with a snarl, Jinx thumbed back the hammer.

"Trying to do something nice for you sparkle butt, and now your boys are coming to give you more company. Cripes, I'm just minding my business here, what did I do to deserve this?"

The whine of static briefly got a certain nails on a chalkboard quality to it as the scribble stamped one leg, a look of disbelieving rage sketched on her face.

Jinx scratched at the side of her head, lightning flaring behind her eyes. "Gods dammit, you're annoying. If I knew you were this much of a pain I would have let you live," Jinx groaned, squinting at the distinctive green of the hoverboard as it swayed and circled in the cloud cover.

The static doubled in volume, and other scribbles started to crowd her vision.

"Oh for fuck's sake, if you rowdy assholes don't shut up, I'll find your actual fucking corpses and shoot you all again!"

Panting, Jinx looked down at a mangled arm, which slowly, carefully, flipped her the bird.

Jinx put three rounds into the scribble, which did nothing at all but kick up some muck and stagnant water, but the scent of gunsmoke settled her nerves somewhat.

Net loss on that front, as the pitch of the hoverboard's fans grew throaty, and with a ripple of the gray, a figure burst into view, crouched low on their board.

Jinx cocked an ear to the clouds, and started laughing at what she didn't hear. "Just one of you, sparkle butt?" Jinx put some swagger into her hips as she advanced, slapping her chest with the hand not holding Zapper, shouting "You wanna go sparkle? You wanna go?! Bring it, I'll bury you next to your candy floss haired girlfriend!"

The Firelight let out a wordless roar, and Jinx could almost see scribbles of rage boiling off the man like a cape. A noble cavalry charge, a hero riding with lance in hand, for glory and honor and vengeance!

Jinx cackled madly, her blood hissing and popping like the worst sort of sump liquor, her muscles grinding against each other like the clash of jagged back alley knives. When the dark-skinned Firelight kicked his board into a dive straight for her, Jinx just stood still, chin thrust forward, smiling at the world's best joke.

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