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"Thank you, you all did excellent today." The music teacher said.

Everyone clapped and cheered for themselves.

"So, we still have a lot of practicing to do. You're all doing great, I'm proud of you all." He said.

He spoke for a bit more before he let them all go. Everyone quickly rushed out as they went back to their cabins, happily.

Tho yeji stayed behind. She walked over to the teacher who was tidying up the music room, the room they practice in.

It was pretty big.

He felt her presence as he turned to her and smiled "do you need anything, yeji?"

"Uhm, I was just wondering, when exactly do we perform?" She asked.

"Hmm, well, whenever you guys finish practice of course. But, I'm trying to aim for next month sometime." He answered.

Yeji nodded, showing she understood.

"Why? You still need more practice?"

"Uhh, no. I was just wondering." She answered, truthfully.

The music teacher smiled and nodded "okay. Well, you should go back to your cabin and rest. It's quite late."

She smiled and nodded "okay, bye sir," and she left.

Yeji returned to the cabin, no one was downstairs, so she instantly went upstairs to her room.

She opened her door and instantly dropped her smile. Her heart dropped too.

She gulped as she looked around her room. She had completely forgotten that she let Wonyoung go into her room.

And now she comes back and it's trashed.

The whole room is ruined, everything was thrown everywhere.

She gulped, she felt anger and rage boil inside of her.

She looked round at her makeup desk, there was lipstick all over the mirror, and the words 'LOSER' written on it, with the red lipstick.

She felt her eyes sting. She knew Wonyoung was a bitch but never knew she would go this far.

She jumped when she heard a voice behind her.

"What the fuck did you do, yeji?"

She rubbed her eyes and turned round to see Ryujin standing there.

"I... Ryujin?"

"What's wrong with your room. Did you have a mental breakdown or something?" Ryujin asked as she walked inside Yeji's room and looked around.

She saw the word written on the mirror and slowly looked back at Yeji.

"You didn't do this, did you?"

Yeji shook her head "obviously not, Ryujin. I just came back from practicing and saw my room like this."

Ryujin sighed "well it wasn't me."

"It was Wonyoung."

Ryujin frowned slightly "I thought you were friends with her??"

Yeji frowned and scoffed "you're joking... right?"

"What? No, she came earlier and I asked her why she was here, she said you guys hugged it out and decided to be friends. I knew something was off, dunno why I believed her. Then I went to sleep with my AirPods in so I didn't hear her wreck your room." Ryujin replied.

Girls camp  ⇨𝐫𝐲𝐞𝐣𝐢⇦ Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat