"You want the usual?," Luke asked.

"Awh, you know my order," Michael grinned.

"Yeah, 'cause you're one of the abominations that like pineapple on pizza," Luke said flatly and already turned to leave to prepare the abomination.

It was a Tuesday night and the restaurant was quiet. Other than Michael there were only two more guests Luke had to tend to and so he found himself wiping down the counter and stacking glasses while Michael ate his pizza and apparently did some sort of homework - college - study - essay - thingy Luke had no idea about.

"Your hair's getting so long mate," Michael commented, startling Luke out of his counter wiping routine.

"So what?," Luke muttered.

"It's in your face," Michael shrugged, "doesn't bother you?"

"I'm wearing a baseball cap?," Luke frowned.

"Your curls are still falling out man," Michael muttered and fumbled at his wrist.
"Here," he held out a black hair tie to Luke, "it's Crystal's," he added sheepishly.

"Hm. I'm not interested in your girlfriend's hair tie," Luke said.

"She's not my girlfriend," Michael waved the hair tie in front of Luke's face.

"I don't care."

Luke eventually snatched the hair tie out of Michaels hand and rolled his eyes. Michael watched proudly as Luke bunched up his hair at the back of his head and tied it in a short ponytail.

"Now let me work and finish whatever the fuck you're doing. I want to lock up in an hour," Luke muttered.

Michael got back to work and so did Luke. After another fifteen minutes, Michael huffed and threw down his pen.

"I can't do this anymore," he rubbed his eyes, "are you hiring? Making pizzas sounds a lot better than this stupid essay."

"We're not hiring," Luke said bored, "and if you think this crap is worth giving up Uni for then you're way stupider than I thought."
Michael pulled a face and stuck out his tongue before he picked up his pen and resumed his essay.

Michael finished quickly after that and packed up his stuff.
"Here," he said and Luke saw him shoving a piece of paper over the counter, "call me if there's a job opening around here."

Luke glanced at the phone number scrawled on the paper. "I won't."

Michael laughed. "Then call me when you need a friend or something."

"In your dreams."

"Bye, Luke."

Luke rolled his eyes and watched Michael leave the restaurant. But instead of throwing the number away, he shoved it in the pocket of his apron.


Luke hated the world.

Well, no. Luke secretly knew he was just wallowing and sulking but hating the world instead of acknowledging what he really felt was way more convenient.

It was a Friday night and Luke was looking at a work free Saturday. But his mood had been dampened by the sheer amount of college students in the shop today. They had some sort of celebration going on, Luke didn't know what it was.

But seeing them all being young and successful and happy and -
Luke was sulking again.

Surprisingly, he made it through his shift without snapping at anyone. It was nearing midnight and Luke was the only employee one left in the shop. He was ready to lock up, but his last customer wouldn't leave, making Luke more and more irritated.

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