"I'm just not fully at ease with your friend. I don't believe that fumbling innocence he just showed us."

"You think he's spying on us?"

"I don't know, but I'm not about to tell him anything just yet." Devon tapped Matt's knee. "You have a problem?"

"Nope. I'm beyond joining dots here. Just tell me what the hell this is all about, and how we get out of it.

Devon poured himself another coffee. "Okay. I told you about Zero, their business and a bit about their members. They are big, and no insurrection, uprising, coup, or whatever, is too small. They are more than happy to provide all sides with whatever they need to get it on." He paused to swallow some coffee.

"Most of what they sell is stolen military equipment - and not just ours. It took a while, but a department in the military security finally got a line on one of the members and they began a counteroffensive immediately. The Icecap programme was created. You were activated for Icecap once they learned how the data thefts were being passed through outsourced design companies. Trouble was, you never identified the courier in your company. No reflection on you, Beatty and Spiers ran a very tight ship."

Matt poured a coffee for himself, absorbing Devon's story. "So, where do you come in?"

"Whoever it was inside military security that was passing the data, tipped Zero off to Icecap, and that's when the breach occurred. As soon as that happened, I was activated. I belong to a secret Pentagon programme designated, signature reduction."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"You'll never know, Matt, and you don't really want to. What matters now is Zero is undertaking the eradication of Icecap, and everyone connected. They want it never to have existed."

"And that includes me."

"Afraid so."

Sheridan came back in the room looking for a coffee. "How is it going?"

"It's going. How's Tate?"

"Pouting, but it doesn't feel real."

"Excuse me, but I have questions yet." Matt interrupted. "Like, why isn't your secret army--"

"Devon! How much have you told him?" Sheridan snapped.

"Relax, Sher, it's necessary. They tried once already to kill him. They aren't going to stop. We need all the advantage we can get."

She gave Matt a look of frightening scrutiny. "Everything he told you, you file away and don't bring it up again."

"Hey! I am on your side."

"I think Mr. Tate should be interviewed more thoroughly." She said, directing her attention back to Devon.

Devon closed his eyes and took her arms. "Sher, there will be time, if necessary, to interview Tate. Right now we have to keep this little group together until we can figure out a plan."

"Can't your people help?" Matt said, regretting it instantly as Sheridan's eyes flared. "I mean they must know what can be done. No?"

Sheridan took a step toward him, and Devon stepped between them. "Sher. Go bring Mr. Tate out here, and let's calm down." She turned and walked quickly down the hall.

"You better start thinking about your words before blurting them out, Constable. She isn't joking, and don't think she can't back up her warnings."

Matt was about to argue when they heard a door bang, and Devon was down the hall like a shot. He looked in the bedroom door, then continued on to the back of the house and into the yard.


"He's gone." She swore and kicked at the ground. "He must have gone the minute I left the room. Damn!"

"We have to get out of here," Devon grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the house.

"What happened?" Matt stumbled back to get out of their way as they burst into the hall.

"Tate's gone."

"Gone? Where?"

Sheridan's look was pitying.

"No time for questions, we need to move - fast." Devon rushed to the living room and pulled a chair away from the wall. Kneeling down, he tapped a section of baseboard and it popped open. Matt stood helplessly, gaping, as he watched Devon pull out a thick envelope then close the panel and replace the chair.

"Hold this."

"What is--"

"There's no time, Constable!" He ran to the kitchen. "Got everything, Sher?"

Sheridan handed him the bulky satchel while she replaced the floor tiles and pushed the stove back in position.

"I'll grab a few clothes. You get the car."

Matt blinked as he watched them. "Car?"

Devon nodded and dragged him by the arm out the door and across the lawn to the house next door. He took his little gadget from his pocket and waited as the garage door swung open.

"Inside. Quick."

"You're stealing your neighbour's car!" Matt grunted as he was shoved into the back of the vehicle. The engine started, and in an instant it was on the street, barely stopping, as Sheridan jumped in the passenger door. Matt saw the garage door closing, then fell over as the car took a corner at warp speed.

5753 WP word count to this point

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