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Kiara was sleeping peacefully when somebody whispered, " wake up dear." And a hand started patting her head. It was James' voice. Kiara mumbled something gullible and turned the other side of bead before covering herself fully with blanket.

" are you going to wake her like this?" Aiden asked in a flat voice.

" then how do you expect me to wake her up?" James asked.

" like this." Alex said.

Kiara frowned under the blanket like wha—

Suddenly the blanket was harshly snatched away and two pairs of hands grabbed her and shook her vigorously. Kiara screamed and sat hurriedly before shouting, " w-what happened?.. what happe-......" she stopped and looked at her brothers. Victor stood in front of her holding a chocolate cake along with Aiden and James on his sides. Alex and Kevin sat on either side of her and all of them shouted together 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY'....... She looked around her room and realized that it was filled with balloons. Purple and white, her favorite combination.

Huh! When did they decorate the room?

She looked at the clock, it read two minutes past twelve.

" happy birthday kia." Victor wished her before forwarding the cake.

She looked down, the cake had 'LITTLE MIDGET' written on it.

Definitely Alex and Kevin

" I am not a midget! It's just that you all are tall." Kiara mumbled as the brothers laughed at her.

" it's just that all the tall genes were taken by us and we left none for you..." Kevin laughed while forwarding a knife at her.

Kiara closed her eyes and wished that they all stay happy like the way they are now forever before she blew the candles. She cut the cake before forwarding the first slice to Alex who had been hungrily eyeing the cake from start. Kevin took the initiative of cutting the cake and distributing it to others. From last few days, kiara had been going through emotional rollercoaster. Seeing a murder two days before your birthday is definitely not a good experience. The previous day, she took leave and slept throughout the day. All the excitement of her birthday was gone. Her mind was still stuck on that incident. But this surprise had definitely managed to divert her mind. She happily opened the gifts given by them one by one. The highlight of them being victor's gift and Alex's gift which was a mathematics problem solving book and a skipping rope respectively.

Oh how much she wished to strangle him with the same rope. The audacity of this man!!

" well I must say, the cake is delicious. from where did you get it?" Kevin asked licking his spoon clean.

"oh the cake?" Alex looked at Aiden and smiled teasingly, " Aiden got it especially baked from Emily."

Aiden glared at him but said nothing.

" wait. Who is Emily?" Kevin asked in confusion. The eldest two also looked at Aiden with interest. They had always heard names of girls attached with Alex's name; but for the first time, they are hearing a girl's name getting attached with Aiden.

"she is no one." Aiden answered nonchalantly.

"is it so?" Alex asked and kiara smiled. Both of them looked teasingly at him.

" wait wait wait. You are trying to say that he has a girlfriend?!!" Kevin looked at the youngest duo wide- eyed.

"it's nothing like that.....shut up!" Aiden said sharply.

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