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" what is it?" james asked while sitting on the visitor's chair. His hair disheveled and he was breathing heavily. As soon as victor called him, he immediately rushed back to king's mansion. During the way back home, james imagined all the worst scenarios possible for his family but took a deep breath when he found all of them safe. " please don't tell me it's shadow again." He begged. He was so done with this shadow.

" it is." Victor replied as sat on his chair.

" oh god! Let's get over with it." James exhaled a deep breath.

" we got a lead."

" what?" james who was leaning on the chair straightened and looked at his elder brother surprised.

" yeah, our men found him outside mr. aderson's house." Victor explained.

" so where is he?" james asked excitedly.

" we don't know."


" the thing is.....we almost got him but he ran away."

" what? How?"

" shadow had some kind of drug that induces sleep..... he sprinkled it onto our guards and ran away. Though one of them managed to injure him on the arm."

" hmmm.... What does he look like?"

" they weren't able to see his face but he wore all black outfit to camouflage. Black sweatshirt, black trousers, Black shoes.....almost everything black. He also had a duffel bag with him. According to guards, he is lean and is not much taller." Victor explained.

" hmm so now what?"

" I have already asked my secretory to look into it. Ask miss winsome to do the same."

" she can't." james immediately interrupted.

Victor who was scrolling through his phone paused and looked at him, " why?"

" ummm it's already late and.... And I have given her some work to do. I will ask her to look into it tomorrow." He explained.

Victor stared at him for a long time before nodding his head. " ok. Go, take rest. Good night."

" good night." James stood up end went back to his room, closing the door behind.

Victor sighed and leaned his head on the back of the chair. He closed his eyes and thought about the amusement park date. A wide smile on his lips as he thought of the moment when he hugged her. He loved the feeling when sofia glided his fingers through his hairs. He had almost forgotten that feeling. The last person who did that was his mother. He sometimes wonders how his mother would have reacted about sofia. Oh how much he wished for them to meet eachother!

She would've definitely loved sofia.

Wait. How would you have introduced her to you mother victor? Who is she to you?

Victor opened his eyes and leaned forward. His brows furrowed.

Right! How would I have introduced her?

My would-be wife?...... No, you haven't even proposed her yet.

Girlfriend?.... nah, you didn't ask her to be your girlfriend.

Friend?...... maybe.

Ugh. I don't know. He gave up.

Wait. Is she single???

REVENGE IN DISGUISE.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang