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Victor stepped out of his car and followed his brother inside the university premises. Meanwhile Kevin tried his best to instigate about the professor. He knew that this was his last chance to survive in this university. If the professor gets intimidated by his elder brother who most probably will happen, then he will be saved from getting expelled from the university. Students cleared their way as they approached the professor's cabin. Kevin took a deep breath and knocked the door. He knocked again when he didn't hear any response. Again no answer. Exhaling a frustrated sign he tried to open the door to find it locked.

Kevin gulped and turned around smiling sheepishly at his brother who was glaring at him.

"It's locked." He mumbled.

"Then go and find her." Victor ordered sharply. He was already getting late for work and he didn't even visit his mother's grave today. Oh how much he wanted to talk to his mother, pour his heart to her and also meet his serenity so that he can unbosom his thoughts to her and take guidance from her. He looked around to find other students watching him.... No, ogling him. His one icy glare was enough to scatter them like flies.

Soon kevin returned with a set of keys and opened the door for his brother.

"Where is she?" victor asked while sitting on the visitor's chair infront of professor's desk.

" she said she will take about ten minutes to come. She is taking class currently."kevin explained.

" didn't you tell her that I have no time for this?" to say victor was boiling with anger would be an understatement.

" I did. She said 'beggars can't be choosers'."

Victor clenched his jaw and nodded to himself already planning to bring this professor down to streets.

" I am sorry to keep you waiting." A familiar voice spoke from behind before coming to the front and occupying the head chair.

Victor and Sofia looked at each other in surprise . For a moment victor felt like his brain is playing tricks with him. His serenity was sitting right in front of him and she is his brother's professor. Both sat in complete silence looking at each other unblinkingly. Kevin frowned at exchange and cleared his throat loudly.

Both broke their eye contact and looked at kevin.

" professor, he is my elder brother....victor king."

Sofia extended her hand towards victor and gave him a professional smile. " nice to meet you Mr. king, I am Sofia mcquoid."

Victor shook her hand before leaving it with a gentle squeeze. "pleased to meet you miss mcquoid." And gave her a small smile.

Kevin looked at his brother bewildered.

What the fuck is happening here?

" well I am sorry for arranging this meeting suddenly without prior notice, but this is an important matter to discuss." Sofia started. Victor nodded. His features turning serious.

" your younger brother here......." She motioned towards kevin who avoided looking at both of them "......has been creating ruckus in the class. His work is never complete, he bunks his classes, he disrespected me and threatened that I won't get work anywhere in states if I complained the authorities about him. Not only that, he smokes. Do you know child how toxic it is for your lungs and people around you? It's suicide! You have life in front of you......why would you like to kill it? Remember, suicide is an act of cowardice, not courage and it doesn't make you look cool or something. Understood?" she looked at kevin for an answer who simply nodded like an obedient child.

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