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Jungkook found the mansion eerily quiet, it was around 9 o'clock. Upon returning home, he noticed the unusual silence and, as he loosened his necktie, he looked around.

"Did everyone fall asleep or something?" he whispered, tossing his bag onto the couch, only to notice something unusual.


"Aish, Dad. Go away!" Soobin said, annoyed. Jungkook was confused by Soobin's whispered request to move away and not come closer. Finding it odd that Soobin was hiding behind the couch, Jungkook approached him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You don't have to know. Just go away. I'm hiding, Dad. So, shoo away!" Soobin said, placing his index finger on his lips, signaling Jungkook to stay silent.

"But...why? What's going on?"

"You don't need to know. Stay quiet!"

"Can you stop doing that and tell me what's happening? And why are you hiding here? Get up, you'll get cold," Jungkook said in a low voice, ignoring Soobin's request for being quiet.

"Get up," Jungkook added, pulling Soobin's hand to help him stand up from the cold floor. Soobin shook his head, struggling to take his hand back from Jungkook. "No, let me go, don't disturb me, will you, Dad? You—"

"Binnie, Found You!"

"Oh, fish!" Soobin pouted, glaring at Jungkook, who was still confused. Looking up, Jungkook saw Jin standing there with a smile, laughing with his eyes closed.

Just coming from work and seeing such a beautiful smile... His luck was really good, Jungkook felt his chest tighten as he stared at Jin, who was laughing and pointing at Soobin. Soobin pulled his hand away from Jungkook, pouting, and walked towards Jin.

"I finally found you, goddamn. You really had me going round and round for this hour. But I still got to find you at the end anyway," Jin said, smiling slightly, patting Soobin's clothes. He knew the boy had been sitting on the floor all this time. The two had been playing hide and seek, and Soobin had been changing places, making Jin chase him. Now that Jin had found him, Soobin pouted.

"It's Dad's fault. Otherwise, you could never find me. I would've changed the hiding place again," Soobin's sulky pout prompted Jin to laugh even louder, holding his stomach until he noticed Jungkook standing before them.

"What were you two doing?" Jungkook asked with a small cough, controlling his emotions and facial expressions.

"We were playing hide and seek, and thanks to you, I lost, Dad!" Soobin's words dripped with anger, causing Jin to laugh and Jungkook to look at his son disbelievingly.

"How is that my fault?" Jungkook questioned.

"I did tell you not to talk to me, which you did, and even pulled me back. Of course, he would see it," Soobin continued to sulk, silently pouting with his arms crossed.

"How was I supposed to know you were playing here?" Jungkook retorted.

Jin couldn't help but feel incredulous at the sight of both father and son sulking at each other. He was shocked to see Jungkook with a slight sulken pout on his lips too, though it was very small and almost unnoticeable. Jin found it surprising but also very cute, which made him smile even more. He just continued to laugh, holding his stomach, receiving glares from both father and son.

"Stop laughing. I'm hungry!" Jin went silent, he stifled his laughter, catching himself as both Jungkook and Soobin echoed the same line in unison, their voices a blend of sulkiness and adorable frustration. Despite his urge to continue laughing, he managed to compose himself, aware of the glares directed his way.

Mr. Purple Heart - KookJin ffWhere stories live. Discover now