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After eating quietly, Soobin laid down comfortably, laying his head on Jungkook's chest, who covered him with the blanket and softly caressed his hair.

"Dad, did you hit your head?"

"Why are you asking that?"

"I mean... You are here for the first time and even taking care of me."

"Little brat, can't I take care of my own son?"

"You can, I am glad you remember you had a son." Soobin said. Jungkook felt disbelief; he never knew his son was this sarcastic.

"But I am happy."

"Why's that?"

"This is the first time you came to my room without me pulling you. You also smiled at me for the first time, and you ate when I fed you. Now, you are here spending time with me. I am happy." Soobin spoke with a smile, his words doing nothing but making Jungkook feel guilty and sad. He couldn't believe this small action of his meant so much to his son. Spending a bit of time could make his son so happy.

"Well, I am free, that's why I came. But... I am happy too. I never knew my son was such a brat." Jungkook said, tickling Soobin on his stomach who giggled and said, trying to stop him. "Ahh...hehe stop. Don't do it. I am ticklish."

"I know you are; that's why I am doing it." Jungkook said, tickling the boy even more. Soobin laughed heartily, snuggling his face into Jungkook's chest. Jungkook, with a smile, watched his son giggling and smiling.

"Soobin... You can go to sleep if you want." Jungkook said when he saw Soobin yawning, who immediately shook his head and said.

"No, I don't want to. You are here; I want to talk or else you will again be busy." Soobin's words were like a knife to Jungkook's chest.

"I-If you want to talk, then why you never come to me?"

"Because...you are always busy...and don't have time... one time you scolded me so I never did after that day."

That's when realization hit Jungkook; he remembered the incident that happened long time ago, when he was busy and frustrated over a client and was angry when Soobin came into his office, saying he wanted help in doing his homework. However, Jungkook being in a bad mood, with anger and frustration scolded and shouted at the boy. That incident scared Soobin so much that he never tries to talk with Jungkook, especially when he is in a meeting or talking with clients. Soobin makes sure to stay ten feet away from Jungkook. This realization made Jungkook feel even more terrible, guilty; the weight of regret hung heavily in the air.

The realization hit him like a tidal wave; he had been so focused on his business and work that he had neglected the emotional needs of his own son, focusing on his work and taking out his anger and frustration on his innocent child who did nothing, causing this distance. All because of his silly temper.

Closing his eyes, sudden images and moments flashed before his eyes, remembering the time when Soobin wanted his attention but got none. The time when Soobin fell down while playing, hurting his knee, crying, and calling his father, who was busy in a meeting and had unnoticed the kid's cries and tears. Not one time, but this happened a lot of times. It was a painful realization that the distance he felt with his son was a consequence of his own actions, or rather, inactions.

Hardly holding back his tears, Jungkook held Soobin more tightly. He had realized his mistakes, and he is sure that he doesn't want to experience it again. He knows it better how a child craves for attention and love. He knows it so well, yet how could he repeat the same mistake again on his own son. That wasn't what he wanted. He wanted to shower his son with love and give him everything he wanted. That's why he worked so hard to be rich so that his son doesn't have any trouble buying anything. But who knew that it'd only keep him far away from his son.

Mr. Purple Heart - KookJin ffWhere stories live. Discover now