Chapter 11: The sleepover

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Hunter pov

It's been a week since my talk with Luz and lately I have been spending more time with Luz and the others. Well, I avoid spending alone time with Luz, but I still hang out with her. For some reason I feel like I am being watched more because I have caught Amity, who has started to join me for morning reads, staring at me from time to time. Today I was invited to a human thing called a sleepover that was happening tomorrow.

"Is Edric allowed to come?" I ask Luz, not wanting to go without him.

"Sure, why not the whole rest of the gang is going plus the more the merrier." she says which makes me smile and I tell her that of course I'll come.

< --------~time skip~-------- >

The next day I come to the owl house with Edric holding his hand still not used to this new territory. Emira decided to come too, and Amity is already at the owl house. When we arrive the owl tube thing shouts out.

"Luz, the angsty blonde boy and Amity's siblings are here." He screams happily and I wince at the noise. Luz then opens the door.

"Sorry we're late" Emira says. "Edric wouldn't wake up this morning until we threatened to go without him." Edric then blushes in embarrassment, and I giggle slightly.

"It's ok Ed it doesn't matter." I say quietly to him. "But I still don't understand why people like sleep." I say the last bit confused, and Edric just looks at me.

"I swear you need to sleep more you were up at 3 in the morning when we went to bed near midnight." Edric says shaking his head and I just shrug following Luz and Emira inside.

Edric's pov

We then proceed to play games and talk together until Willow suggests that we should play some flyer derby which Hunter is extremely happy about. Luz chose to sit out but there were enough of us for teams of 3. Hunter, Gus, and I were on one team and Amity, Emira and Willow were on the other. We start playing a few matches and Luz blushes a bit when Amity shows off her skills by flying higher than us and since me and Gus were trying to catch her we were on either side of her when she dropped down off her staff and uses her abomination magic to grab our flags while ghost dives underneath her. I was annoyed but I watched Hunter fly around several times looking happy.

One time was when he managed to snag Willow's flag and he comments. 'Come on Captain your going easy on me now.' And I swear, I blushed at his cheeky smirk and Amity sees me she shakes her head and sighs unimpressed and flies over to her girlfriend.

I fly over to Hunter on my staff, and I tell him how amazing that was.

"It wasn't that great." Hunter says rubbing the back of his neck. "It was a lucky grab." He says and I shake my head in disagreement.

"It was really cool." I say truthfully which I swear I saw his face go red, but I was probably imagining it.

"It's getting late we should probably go back inside." Luz suggests and we all agree. We pile back into the owl house.

Hunter's pov

We then have dinner, but it wasn't as good as the food that Edric usually makes so, I don't eat that much. Next, we all got settled in the owl house living room for a game of truth or dare.

"Truth or dare is a human game." Luz starts and Gus looks excited for that. "It's basically exactly what it sounds like, you ask someone truth or dare and if they say truth, you ask them a question they have to answer truthfully. But if they say dare then you dare them to do something within reason of course." Luz finishes explaining and we all seem to understand it except I don't really understand the point of the game. Why would people play this game it makes no sense, but I keep quiet not wanting to annoy anyone.

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