Prologue- inside the mind of the emperor

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So here we are, inside my uncles mind. Ugh!! Why does the human always have to mess everything up. But of course I can't be mad at her. I don't know why but she feels like a sister to me.

Now we are following belos's... uhhh... sense of innocence. Yah that's right sense of innocence. It feels wrong to invade his memories but I got to make sure Luz doesn't do something and I am still a bit scared of the inner belos. "See this proves that belos is evil" Luz says as belos is seen with explosives. I don't believe that, I... can't believe that. But as we keep going my belief in my uncles innocence shrunk. Then I notice the kid belos doing something.

"Hey what's the kid doing" I said as we watch the scene. I think Luz thought I was trying to avoid that belos is being evil but i am generally curious. After the memory I am feeling overwhelmed, Luz is trying to tell me this proves that belos is trying to hurt people. But even after watching that I still feel a need to prove my uncles innocence. Not wanting to deal with this I chase after belos's sense of innocence. Yep definitely sense of innocence.

Now I am looking straight into the eyes of the goop monster that belos often turned into when he punished me. Even though he is my uncle he is still scary in that form so I run after the kid belos to the next memory he is going into. But what I saw horrified  me greatly. My unc- no belos was going to destroy all of witch kind on the day of unity. But why?

The next thing I saw made me freeze right there as the thoughts in my head are screaming at me. The previous golden guards' masks were broken on the floor. There were so many of them... and they are all dead because of the emperor as it showed in the pictures. Luz asked me if I was ok but I could barely hear her. She started telling me I did not have to go back to the castle and I could stay at the owl house when she noticed what was in front of us.

The kid belos suddenly grabbed one of the mask and sets it on fire with his sword. Me and Luz put it out but then the inner belos spawned. It just spawned right there. Anyway, it seemed to be saying to run and that he is dangerous. Whoever he is maybe kid belos. But then I noticed something they look like a bunch of palismen souls that are saying this. Luz seemed to notice that too. They then get wrapped in a rope. Kid belos suddenly turns into belos. "What is even happening?" I think. He starts to say things but I need to say it, I need to now if he ever cared about me to the other golden guards . "What did you do to the other guards...? To our family?! It wasn't wild magic, was it?" I said on the verge of crying.

He flicks my lose strand and said"it's a shame" "out of all the grimwalkers, you look the most like him." Hearing that made me feel like the world was crashing in on its self.
"Grimwalker" I whispered far far away. Then I start to be absorbed in the ground. I don't want to die I don't want die, but I never existed anyway. Suddenly Luz surprised me by trying to pull me out of the ground but she did not succeed her jacket was pulled in with me as I plummet into the dark.

When I land at first I am surrounded by darkness as far as I can see there was no light. It was almost suffocating just me and my thoughts. But then almost a second later I saw a person in my uniform well a weird version of it he was accusing belos ,but he called him Phillip... weird, then belos lashed out with a spiked hand and killed him. As soon as he died the next thing I saw was another golden guards death. I seemed to see every death of the ones that came before me all clones. It felt like it took hours but I can tell it was only minutes. I counted 99 deaths. I guess I will be the 100th. Then the suffocating darkness came back. I was welcoming death when I heard fighting.

I can't die now I have to save Luz. So I found two gliths in Luz's jacket pocket. What were they again. Doesn't matter at the moment because I heard the fight rage on above me. I press them it seems to be making a vine and ice barrier. I seemed to save Luz just in time. What happened next was a blur all I remember is looking at my uncle wondering if I was actually meant to exist and if he really did just make us to kill us. I hear Luz tell Eda to do it now and i am suddenly at the owl house.

The owl lady stops hooty and king from running to us. Moving? Floating? What ever the bird tube does. "Don't crowd them." She said then she looks at us "Are you two okay?" Am I ok. Of course not. I feel tears start to fall as I remember what happened. I hurriedly get up not wanting to be anywhere near the floor. Flapjack pecks me worriedly but I barely notice.

"He knows. He... he knows we were in there. I can't... I can't go back!" I say breathing too fast. Suddenly I see my cape. Just to see it is to much so, I throw it down to the floor. I run, I run like all my thoughts are chasing me. Like if I don't run I will be enveloped in all my fears and that I will be crushed by the knowledge that I am a bad person and that I should not even exist.

I hear Luz call after me but I don't stop. I run till I fell like I can't run anymore and I fall on the ground. I clutch my hair till it feels like I am pulling it out and I break down. I feel flapjack pecking my hands to stop me from injuring my self, but I don't care anymore. Flapjack gives up and starts to rub himself against my cheek to try to comfort me or maybe he thought that might stop me from pulling at my hair but I still don't respond I just keep crying. Then he flys away. Good he doesn't need someone who shouldn't even exist. I keep crying surrounded by my own thoughts when I hear foot steps I then see a green haired boy looking my way, he was quite handsome he had pale skin and gold eyes as well as the green hair. Flapjack landed his tiny bird feet on my shoulder to show this is what he wanted the boy to see. Why did he have to bring someone here I thought. I just want to be alone.

Word count- 1211 words
Hey guys this is totally not late. It is still probably Monday in America, whatever. I can't write 3 chapters a week even though it is the holidays for me. So chapters will be made every Tuesday and Saturday in Australian time. I will change the welcome thing as well. Also yay we got Edric. Also sorry for this sh*ty chapter, anyways.

The boy from the woods (Goldric)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя