Chapter 1

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(This started before the end of the last chapter)
I tossed and turned in my bed wondering why I can't sleep. I checked by vibrant green clock and it said it was 3am. I might as well go for a walk I thought as I looked at the brilliant full moon through my window. I got up and changed into my usual boring marron outfit. Maybe since today is a Sunday I can go to the shops and buy a new outfit. Then I went out into the cold dark night with only the stars and the moon as a light source. But I was used to sneaking out because I couldn't sleep.

I have been sneaking out more often as my parents fight more and more and as my mom starts to yell at us for every little imperfection. And I remember that today technically yesterday my mom was yelling at mittens and I snapped and yelled at her. She then slapped me I can still feel the bruise. No not physical it stopped hurting hours ago, but mentally I feel it because Odalia has never actually hurt us before.

As I am thinking I don't notice a red bird, probably a palisman, until it was pecking at my head. "Hey what's wrong" I say softly as he looks stressed and frightened. Then he starts to twerp a lot and I mean a lot and he turned in a circle. "I don't understand you because you're not my palisman" the bird gave me a look that said 'oh I forgot' and latched his little bird feet onto my finger and tried to drag me. "Do you want me to follow you" the palisman nodded and flew off. "welp, I have nothing better to do so I guess I will help you" I say as I run after the distressed bird.

We run for a while I am starting to get tired probably because I did not sleep last night or should I say the past few days. We run for an hour before the bird stops and looks at me like saying 'we are here'. Then he flies into the bushes I follow more slowly when I emerge I stop in shock it's a boy and he seems to be crying and tearing at his ash blonde hair. I take a few more slow steps forward the boy suddenly notices me. I keep moving forward slowly because I was worrying that if I make any sudden movements he might hurt himself. When I was 2 meters away he quickly moved back.

"Please don't take me back to him. I don't want to go back." He said starting to breath heavy.

"I'm not going to hurt you, or take you to the place" I said slowly and calmly, worried that if I don't speak like that he would hurt himself. He won't stop hyperventilating so I take another small step forward to go and comfort him but he hurriedly moved back and tried to stand up but his foot got caught in tree root that was sticking out of the ground. He then falls backwards through the bush he was sitting in front of. I noticed that the ground seems to be slopping steeply beside the bush.

I hear lots of grunts and smell blood as the boy rolls down the hill then I hear quiet. I look over the overgrown bush and see the boy laying sprawled out with his arm at a weird angle. Weirdly, he looked sort of peaceful and small not what he looked like before when he was panicking. But, the arm, all of the scratches and bruises tell a different story. I walk up to the blonde and look at the bird who is know rubbing his body against the boy " I'm sorry" I said guiltily " I was supposed to help you to help him" I moved my arm to gesture to the boy " but I just made this whole thing worse." I finished sadly. The cardinal looked at me with a reassuring glance as if to say 'this is not your fault'

I turn away from the boy, my mistake, "this is my fault" I sadly repeated "and I'm going to fix my mistake" I shout with more confidence as I turn and pick up the injured blonde in front of me. And start to walk to my house, surprisingly he does not weigh as much as I thought he would. Maybe his clothes just make him look less scrawny. As I continue to walk the bird flys in front of me and turns into a staff as if it knew what I was trying to do and was agreeing with it.

As we fly I started thinking. 'What I was going to say to my parents? That's simple nothing I will just hide him in my room. They never come in there anyway because they're always to busy working to talk to us, other then to tell us that we are failures but they did that at dinner time. But how will I heal the boy? I don't know any healing magic. But Emira does. Will she help me though? We have been becoming more distant now that she has more friends and Vinny, her secret not so secret crush. I'm sure she will help.' Finally we arrive at the blight manor. I fly through my window in the manor and I take the boy off my lap and place him down on my bed. I don't really care if it gets ruined. I check the clock next to my bed and it said 6am, makes sense it did look like the sun was rising.

When I was sure the boy was in I good spot. I turn to the bird and tell him to look after the blonde as I go get my sister to heal him. The bird nodded his small bird head and flew back to the boy's side. I walk slowly to my sisters room down the hall so I don't wake everyone up. When I get there I knock on the door quietly. No answer. I do it louder. Still no answer. Finally, on the 5th try my sister opens the door. She looks at me and sighs "What do you want? It's a Sunday I'm suppose to be sleeping in today." She says with anger in her voice.

"I need help" I whisper with urgency in my voice hoping she could understand I really need her.

"At this hour." She says then sees the panic on my face "fine. But if this is a prank you're dead." She says reluctantly. We walk to my room and then she sees the boy. "What happened? Who is that?" She whisper shouts. "Never mind, he needs urgent care. So tell me the story later." She said quietly and then rushed to help the boy. I sit down on my bean bag starting to feel really tired and the last thing I saw before I was engulfed in sleep was the boy.

The boy from the woods.
Words: 1190
Hey guys sorry for not existing I went only holidays to a mountain. But I tried to get this finished in my note pad and I did. Yay! Also name drop. I will try to make another chapter soon.

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