Chapter 6: Revelation

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Day 7/ Saturday

Hunters pov

"Are you going to take the blindfold off of my eyes." I ask a bit weary but trusting Edric. He told me that he has a surprise for me and at this point, I feel bad that he is doing so much for someone that is not even real.

"In a minute blondie." He says playfully and I roll my eyes even though they are still covered.

"So far I have run into at least 5 things so I'm allowed to want my sight back." I point out but I don't really mind because I am actually sort of curious.

"True," he says exaggerating the syllables "Buuuut, we are almost there anyway so be patient and plus you only ran into like two things stop lying to yourself." He says playfully so I decide to be quiet but, just in case Edric continues being incompetent on making sure I don't run into things, I ask Flapjack to lead me. "And we are here see that wasn't so hard of a wait was it." He says playfully mocking me which makes me smirk.

Then the blindfold is taken off of my face and it only takes a second for my eyes to adjust to the light considering it is still quite dim where we are and I look at the forest clearing in awe. The branches are tightly knotted together making a dim clearing. It is decorated in lights and illusion colours with light orbs floating around. In the middle of the clearing there is a picnic blanket with a blue, green and gold pattern of swirling colours on a black background. On the picnic blanket there is food like cakes and sandwiches.

"So do you like it." He asks rubbing the back of his neck staring at a near by tree.

"I love it but why." I ask confused but still really happy.

"Well we haven't really hung out for days so I thought a picnic would be fun plus it's almost been a week since I met you so it's an excuse to have a celebration." Edric says smiling awkwardly.

"Makes sense you made my life much better then it was before. It's nice being with you." I say smiling at Edric then I go sit on the picnic blanket. "but seriously you did not have to go out of your way to do this for me you already do so much for me." I say a bit awkward and sad that I haven't done anything for Edric and that I am keeping two massive secrets from him.

"Well I want to it makes me happy just seeing you happy." he says looking away from me but then he looks at me with a smile and such intensity in his eyes "you know." I blush lightly from his gaze.

"y-yah." I stutter out 'what is this boy doing to me' I think, feeling feelings I have never felt before. 'My heart is pounding, my brain has turned to mush and my face is red what is this? Is there a spell on me? No Edric wouldn't do that.' I think in silence, while Edric gets the food out of the basket he brought. (Hunter it's called a gay panic/ Bi panic.)

I manage to slow down my speeding heart and think straight but I am still blushing lightly. I still don't really understand these feelings but they've mellowed down so I don't want to worry about it at the moment.

"Edric everything looks amazing." I marveled "how long were you baking?" I ask curiously confused on how there is so much food. I also know Edric doesn't like to eat the chefs' food since they only cook fancy stuff he doesn't like. So that means he probably cooked it all himself.

"Well," he said exaggerating the syllables again. "I was only needed by my mum for a few hours on Friday so I worked hard at the kitchen to make you this meal."

"Thank you," I say smiling lightly "but you didn't have to."

"But I wanted to." He said smiling at me. 'Shit here comes the blush again.' I think when I feel my face warm up. I look away and just start to eat.

After a few minutes of a comfortable silence Edric starts the conversation again and we just talk about things. Edric tells me some stories of things that happened to him and I feel bad that I can't tell him funny stories about myself. I have a few times where I annoyed Kikimora that were very funny... now that I think about it I guess I know why she hates me.

"- my sisters told me that I couldn't eat him so I decided I won't let my hard work go to waste and I wanted to keep it. My sisters then proceeded to chase me telling me to leave it till I ran and climbed a tree... His name is Batric," Edric says finishing the story and then as if called the bat flies over. "and it turns out he is a palisman so we formed a bond that can never be broken." he says dramatically.

"yah I often see him chilling in your room didn't know you adopted him like you technically did to me... or is it called kidnapping I can't tell." I tease.

"Hey you chose to stay so I did not kidnap you... lets just say I adopted you as a friend." he says happily. "Anyways. Tell me how did you meet Flapjack? You two seem to have a great bond and he is really loyal. Wait did you make him?" Edric asks excited for some of my backstory stuff so I decided to tell him in a vague way

"Well I didn't make Flapjack and I didn't really find him either. He found me." I say giving Flapjack rubs with my finger. "I was always told that wild magic is bad especially palismen so when I first met him I thought he was dangerous and didn't get to close. Technically luz is the reason I met him. We went on this quest to save a bunch of palismen which of course I didn't like but I hated the person that was taking them. I guess Flapjack saw the good in me. Afterwards he came to me and no matter how much I told him to leave he stayed like a thorn in my side. Not that I am complaining because to be honest the best times of my life were with him by my side. So that is technically how we met." I say looking up to see Edrics face very close to me looking very invested in the story I fall back in a shocked, blushing mess.

'fuck why does this keep happening' I think as I sit up again.

"Oh wow secret backstory." Edric says moving back a bit. "I think this is the first time you told me about your past." I feel guilty about how I was avoiding talking to Edric about my past and I make a decision.

After this lunch I will tell him. I still don't think I'm ready to tell him I am Grimwalker and I don't think I ever will be ready but I will tell him I am... I mean I was the Golden Guard because he deserves to know. I'll even offer to leave because I am sure he will never see me the same again after I tell him. I hurt his sister for titans sake. So throughout the rest of the picnic I am trying to suck up the last times of joy I have before the dreaded truth is told and I am kicked out.

After a while of talking and eating together Edric starts to pack the stuff away.

"Edric. I have something to tell you," I say looking away from him and instead at my own hands resting on my lap. "about my past."

Words: 1337

Hey guys I'm only a day late yay. Well here we have it the next chapter will be a revelation I tricked you because I a m evil. Also I slotted some gay panics in here for the oblivious boy. anyways



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