Chapter 8: The Carnival

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Hunter pov

Sunday/day 8 in blight manor

Since I don't have to worry about sneaking around anymore because everyone in this house knows I am here, and Edric's parents are on a business trip I spend a little extra time in the library this morning. Edric comes in while I am reading a particularly interesting book about the history of the boiling Isles, and he looks excited.

"What is it." I ask smirking as he comes up to me looking ready to explode and I notice it is 8 am. Edric would never be up at this time on a Sunday without a reason.

"Hunter guess what," he says practically bursting with joy. "There is a carnival for today. We have to go." He said shoving the flier in my hand which I look at indifferently and a bit confused. "I though you would be a lot more excited." Edric says confused himself.

"Well, I have never been to a carnival before. Belos said it is a waste of time and money and overall, a huge scam when I asked him." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hunter I am going to take you to this carnival if it's the last thing I do." He says overly excited which makes me giggle slightly.

"I'm counting on it." I tease then go get ready for the day. I won't need my concealment stone today considering Belos refuses to let any guards go to a carnival.

After I get ready and Edric makes me eat his delicious food, we head out to the carnival. Since the Emperor refuses to send anyone anywhere near a carnival because he thinks they are just distractions. When we arrived, I was marvelled by all the colours, flashing lights and people, but I was also overwhelmed. I cross my arms over my chest, overwhelmed. Edric seems to see I was uncomfortable, so he leads me to a quieter part of the carnival, and he takes me to play some carnival games. They were fun but most definitely scams.

Edric managed to win this really cute pink frog plush in a little green coat and a green hat with goggles (if you get the reference, I will send you cookies.). After he wins it, he gives it to me and blush a bit 'great it is happening again' I think my heart hammering in my chest.

"T-thanks." I say looking away a blushing mess. Luckily Edric doesn't notice how red my face is.

We go and get some Rotten Candy because who wouldn't want a sugar cloud. I definitely loved the sugar cloud, and I felt a burst of energy from it. I skip along with Edric, and he is giggling because of the fact I am so hyper.

"Hey blondie, are you ready to face the crowds." He says watching me smile and I just nod my head. Edric walks me to giant wheel that he calls a Scaris wheel. "it's only called that, so it attracts customers." Edric explains. I look up at it, it's so tall and I get a shiver.

"Can we not do something that involves heights and precarious metal machines." I say feeling a bit scared.

Edric chuckles. "Goldie, I think that is every ride in the carnival... Wait is the mighty Golden Guard scared of heights" Edric says the last bit teasingly. But then he adds confused "But you are fine on a staff."

I get annoyed by your teasing, and I try to defend myself. "Well, there is something about falling from a great height and almost dying that does that to you." I say referring to when Kikimora tried to kill me and when I met Flapjack.

"Oh, yah the thing in Lattisa, Liz told me about that. I didn't know it effect you so much." He said softly, concerned.

"It's fine I just don't like being in machines high up in the air unless I can trust it." I say looking away from Edric.

"I promise we won't fall and that this is totally safe. I don't want you to miss an experience like this." Edric says softly "Do you trust me?" Edric asks staring me deep in the eyes, his emotions persuading me.

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