Chapter 9: Breakfast disaster

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Hunter pov

Day 9 Monday

I wake up today at the usual time of 5am which is late considering the amount of sleep I have been getting. I make my way to the library across from Edric's room so can find a good book to read. I happen to stumble upon a cookbook and my first thought is to just ignore it however I think of all that Edric has done for me. 'He deserves a nice surprise.' I think happily. I know that today Edric has to go to school, or he will absolutely get murdered by his mum so a nice breakfast to start the day should be good. I spent the next hour trying to find a good but easy recipe in the book and I then go down to the kitchen to get to work.

I take out all the needed ingredients to start now it is now 6:30 so I start to make breakfast that should be ready for Edric by 7 and I will surprise him with it.

'Ok yah this is not going well.' I think 10 minutes later staring at the chaos that is the kitchen.

Amity's pov

I wake up at 6:35 to get ready to meet Luz. I have a shower and get changed before I walk down the stairs to go get breakfast when I smell burning. I see Hunter standing in the kitchen looking guilty.

"Hi, Amity." He says smiling awkwardly. "It turns out I can't cook." When he says that I just sigh and shake my head. After I help Hunter clean up I then ask him a question.

"Do you want help?" I ask hoping that if I do he won't burn my families kitchen down. Hunter nods his head embarrassed so we start cooking together.

"So why were you cooking anyways. Doesn't Edric normally cook for you." I ask slightly confused.

"Well Edric has been doing so much for me and i hate feeling useless so I wanted to do something for him for a change." Hunter says awkwardly. "Plus he is always tired in the mornings so i wanted to help him out and make him happy." Then hunter blushes slightly. "because he makes me happy."

"Well you can't cook sorry." I say a bit harsher then I meant to which makes Hunter flinch back a bit. "Sorry that came out wrong" I say guilty but Hunter just shrugs.

"It's true though" He admits then he is quiet for a second. "I- is luz mad at me or d- does she hate me?" Hunter says stuttering a bit. I look at you softly smiling with a sympathetic look on my face.

"Luz told me that you might think that she is angry at you. But, that's not true at most she is just worried about you but that is the only negative emotion she feels for you." I say reassuring which makes Hunter look up surprised.

"S-she's worried about me?" he says looking slightly shocked and I just nod my head. "bu- but she should hate me after finding out tha-" he starts to say but stops and the continues "that Belos is evil and that i have been helping him for years to achieve such horrible things." Hunter says starting to tear up a bit. "I can't believe I was so stupid that I followed him blindly. I hurt so many people and the only thing that eased my mind a bit about it was that he said it was what was right." He says digging his nails into his skin looking really troubled so I did the only thing I could do. I gave him a hug.

"It's not your fault." I say firmly "Belos fouled everyone and we all wish we could have seen through his act, but we couldn't. But it was not our fault." I say slowly and firmly "ok?" I say quietly and softly.

"Ok." Hunter says wiping his tears. Then he looks away "Sorry I'm a mess. I shouldn't be crying it's just wasting time." He says smiling lightly but it looks forced.

"It's ok to cry and I know Belos probably called you weak whenever you cried but don't listen to anything that mouldy old man told you because he is a liar." I say jokingly the last part jokingly to lighten the mood which makes Hunter laugh a bit but it sounds fake like it was forced.

Finally with finish making enough food for the 4 of us because we might as well feed Emira as well. We then take the food up stair while Hunter goes to wake Edric up and to give him the food I go to Emira's room to do the same.

Hunter's pov

It was nice to have that talk with Amity later I will have to ask her if maybe she could take me to see luz because I want to know what she thinks of me first hand even if it means I learn that she hates me. I don't fully believe Amity when she says she doesn't but right now I am not going to dwell on the luz thing.

"Hey Edric it's time to get up." I say to him and he just groans.

"5 more minutes please." He groans and I giggle a bit.

"Sorry Ed but I made you breakfast so if you wait it will cold." I say back which thankfully gets Edric to sit up so you hand him his breakfast and he sleepily eats it.

After a while a speak. "uhm Ed I was wondering if maybe sometime I could talk to Luz." I say hesitantly as I am still not actually sure myself. Edric looks at me confused.

"Are you sure?" He asks "When I talked to Emira she said that you seemed to scared to talk to her."

"I am sure and I'm just worried about what she thinks of me since we found out that the emperor is evil and all. Because i helped him do so much evil." I say looking a bit sad.

"You were just doing what you thought was right. It's not your fault." Edric says softly.

"That's what Amity said." I respond quietly.

"Because it is true." Edric said back happily but then he looked confused. "When did she say this?" He asked.

"Well I may or may not have had an epic fail in the kitchen." I say and then I tell Edric what happened.

After we eat breakfast and Ed finished getting ready for school I request Edric to do something for me.

"Can you ask Luz if I can come over and talk today. Please." I ask awkwardly to which Edric smiles softly to.

"Of course but are you sure you are ready."

"I'm as ready as I will ever be."

Words: 1141

Hi guys sorry for the chapter being a few days late. I went on a 2 week holiday with no internet so I was not able to post this on schedule. I am also sorry this is a short boring chapter but I wanted some more Hunter, Amity bonding time. Anyway see you on the next update.



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