"Symbolism. Personal to me, which entails that there is no obligation to share." Therein lies Jin's answer to Jimin's unspoken query.

Jimin was too invasive.


"Apologies shape you too often, come. Taehyung has made breakfast and tea." Jin descended to the doorway, aware of the large hallway where he'd expect to hear a pair of steps echo behind him.

Jimin stopped after following shortly, held at the checkered tiles outside of the den.

"Something holding you by fear?" Jin turned, unclear of Jimin's reason to have just stood there all the sudden.

"No, just anticipation." And Jimin receded down the hall, passing by Jin who only muted his curiosity.

The kitchen was full, laying a scene that finally carried inclusion. There was a feeling that Jimin belonged somewhere, with an empty seat beside Taehyung.

Jimin sat, poking at the fork beside his meal.

"Sugar, cream, biscuit, tea cake?" Taehyung's palm waved back to notion Jimin's eyes at the variety. Jimin smiled, taking to some sugar and biscuits for his tea.

He'd ignore the torment Taehyung had rendered onto him last evening. Just as Taehyung seemingly did.

"This is quite the environment. The approach of civil manners feels very near, no?" Jin spoke through his tea cup, agreeable nodding trailing in front of him.

"Jimin, you've got your memory? Must feel exhilarating to recall friends dear to you." Jin adored conversation, and was often to first to present one.

"It is. But it's different when I recall things so differently than you. But I assure you, I will adjust my learned behaviors." Jimin stirred his tea, smiling at Jin who gleamed back.

"Good, good. Not that it isn't exceptional for you to accommodate some behaviors. Keep a bit of your character. It makes you wondrous."

Jimin broadened his eyes, stuttering his emotion when Jin had commended his hysterical manners. He almost encouraged them.

He did encourage them.

"Wondrous is quite the praise Jin. Thank you." A self-affirmed appreciation that Jimin meant for the other. One Jin could smile at with a hand merrily pressed to his heart.

Yet, the sudden solidarity and silence of the room only remained half tolerable.

Which soon coerced Jin to comment on his aspirations for something to entertain him.

"Though some enjoy silence, I prefer amusement." He clicked a fork at his tea cup, leading Taehyung to glare.

The other's looked around, quietude sealing their acknowledgment to Jin's appeal as nobody took to respond to the suggestion.

Namjoon, sat beside Jimin, shrugged as he bent back from his serving to light a rolled cigarette.

Jimin glanced, thieving it once it was lit.

He took a drag, turning to his other side to grab onto Taehyung's chin and feed the smoke between his lips.

He smiled, Taehyung dazed with his tea now unwatched and ghosted by some of the smoke.

Jimin tilted back around, handing the cigarette back between the two fingers of Namjoon.

"Ahh, Jimin, you've always taken to my petitions. I admit, that was enthralling. I assume there's a brute intimacy between you two?" Jin set his cutlery down at his plate.

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