Truth Seekers/ A Vengeance Pt2

ابدأ من البداية


Agent 1: stop insulting my mother, she's dead!(Turns to me) and jokes on you asshole, I don't have a sister.

Logan: damn so you were alone even before you were born, Ha, ha, ha.

Agent 2: hey, hey, let's just leave them here until they feel like talking.

They left the room and we can finally relax now Blitz try struggling through his ropes but then stops

BlitzØ: Don't Worry guys, if we keep being obnoxious they'll eventually slip up and will get a chance to get out, let's just keep fucking with them until they get so frustrated they stop thinking clearly, it usually works.

On the other side of the panel

Agent 1: hmm, so the demons want to play games huh, well we could play games.

Agent two laughs then hits a button but not just any button

Agent two laughs then hits a button but not just any button

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

(Swimmuffin: Ha, bitch juice I knew it was real.)

Back to the room started filling up with green gas as Mixxie started

Mixxie: I'm just so worried about Millie she'll be on her way by now I'm sure.

Logan: Mix I'm sure she's fine, she can handle herself, she always does.

BlitzØ: yeah listen to your daddy, she'll be fine Mixxie, it would take a roidid up hippo to take down that woman when she's upset.

Mixxie: we never dealt with the human government before?

Logan: I have and believe me, the government is just a bunch of greased up wap assholes who just control people until they're of no use anymore, then they'll send them to kill innocent people who did nothing to you and then get killed in the process.

Mixxie: I mean like she could be in danger-

BlitzØ: do you ever honestly shut up about Millie? It's always oh how's millie? I can't tonight I'm hanging with Millie, I'm so worried about Millie, and she's always five fucking feet away from you! it's pathetic!

Mixxie: that was oddly personal?

BlitzØ: yeah you're right, I don't know why the fuck I just let my guts spill out like that.

I noticed the gas coming in the room

Logan: oh fuck me running, they're filling up the room with truth serum!

BlitzØ/Mixxie: What?

Logan: it's kind of like scarecrow's fear toxin from Batman, except it makes you tell the truth.

Mixxie: Really? Well one of you something specifically I wouldn't normally tell you.

BlitzØ: Okay, do you let Logan fuck your ass?

Helluva boss And the speed demonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن