Truth Seekers/ A Vengeance Pt2

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Part 2

Warning: Extremely sad(I cried making this one )

(Marcy's pov)

We get to some place that looks a super max prison that has D.H.O.R.K.S on the building,

Millie: This Where they ended up?

Loona: I think so.

Marcy: This place reminds me of Prison.

Sallie: How do you-

Marcy: I used to visit my dad in prison okay.

Strika: Not judging kid, I would too.

Loona: Fuck this looks intense, how are we going to get in?

Marcy: well this ain't Toy Story, we can't just put on some garbage and stroll on in when the door opens(Looks at vent above) so looks like we're about to get sus.

They look at the same thing I was looking at was a vent above us Loona lifted me and Millie to the vent we both go inside and unlock the door allowing all the girls to get in, we get in we're going down the hallway we turn right we see Soldiers with weapons or going and then spot a room that was open we heard men talking we looked and it was an Upgraded Wolfbane again and some kind of Robot Man.

Wolfbane: I had him in my hands, I could have ended him right there!

Machine:(Robotic Voice) patience brother patience, it'll be worth the wait once we get the information they seek.

Wolfbane: no brother I've waited long enough Logan dies tonight!

Machine:(Robotic Voice) why do you hate him so much?

Wolfbane: you could never understand.

Machine:(Robotic Voice) patience my brother, your revenge will come, his death is at hand.

Wolfbane: I'll make sure of it.

We then pass the door and make it down to the end of the hallway turn left and go I warned Loona about the cameras so I went ahead and took him out we then stealthfully took out some guys up ahead guys at the end of the hallway started closing the door Loona then through Millie as she went under the door killing all those men they were screams on the other side of the door when the door opened Millie was covered in blood and there was blood everywhere, and Loona goes

Loona: damn, you're pretty agile for an old lady.

Millie: I'm like 5 years older than you.

Marcy: guys I don't know what's in that box but it's calling to me.

Sallie: is it's saying anything threatenin?

Strika: to yourself and others?

Marcy: no it just says "put it on" I think it might be the necklace dad told us about you know the one with Fenrir.

Millie: and you thought now was a good time to grab it?!

Marcy: well yeah, if Dad could use it to fight against those assholes, then it would help us

Loona: let's find the boys, and Mixxie.

(Logan's pov)

We were busy laughing at agent 1's dead mother and sister Blitz did a

We were busy laughing at agent 1's dead mother and sister Blitz did a

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