Running from fate/The Truth

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(Logan's pov)

I was dream about it almost the night of my birthday my heritage my power calls to me I can't except it not again not for anything then a dark voice spoke

???: James, Jaaaaaaaammes, Jaaaaaaaaaaames.

Logan: that's not my name anymore, Leave me alone.

???:(Growls)You cannot from me, you cannot hide from your Destiny.

Logan: Watch me!

I try to run but I can't I'm stuck in mud

???: You know I'm right, you are destined to be-

Logan: NO! Never again! I'm done with you!

???: Just like you were done with daddy's racist abuse bullshit after he killed your dog? Or Mommy?

Logan: Shut up!

???: Or maybe Olivia? When you killed her in a blood rage.

Logan: Shut the fuck up!!!

???: Or maybe-

Logan:(Tearful) Don't say her name. Don't!

???: Your couldn't even-


???: You couldn't even tell Vagatha, how you felt, cuz it would've angered your dad, she was heartbroken and you lost her.

Logan: FUCK YOU!!!(Crying)Fuck you for even saying that.

I kneeled crying cuz he was right I couldn't even tell her how I felt cuz of my dad's racist ways I lost her, just like I lost Liv, Lance, Joey, Mom, Everyone, I'm alone, always alone. He shows me holding the gun to head in my car

???: You couldn't even pull the trigger

He then shows me Eddie snapping my neck

???: That guy knew how to make people "Snap" hehehe, but he always "Snapped" for you, Hahahaha.

He then shows my defaced grave

???: People can be so cruel James, you like to think of yourself a hero, but you're nothing more-

He then shows me the graves of my loved ones friends and my daughter as well

???: Then a ruthless killer, who kills everyone around him, admit it you need me control your half-

Logan: I don't need you, never have, never will.

???: I will always be apart of you James, Even in death, we are bonded, you will come to me soon, I promise.

I then turn as he appears in the fog the giant wolf emerged. The myth of legend. The Destroyer of Asgard. Killer of Öđíņ. Chain breaker. Wolf of War. The Ragnarök. The dweller of the fens himself.

 The dweller of the fens himself

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