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It starts at Logan's apartment 7:45 a.m. he heard he wakes up to the sound of his phone ringing it was an old friend calling to check up on him see if he was okay

Logan: hello?

Vortex on the phone: hey Loco

Logan: hey Tex what's up

Vortex on the phone: just seeing if you were coming to the concert tonight Verosika and the girls sure miss you

Logan: I wish I could buddy but I got to take care of Edgar before he gets out of hand

Vortex on the phone: too bad the girls were looking forward to seeing you hey the just between you and me they have a little crush on you all four of them even Verosika and Cy

Logan: really? Cy as well you're twin sister

Vortex on the phone: yep Cy really likes ya I could see it and are you really shocked to hear that the most famous pop star likes you

Logan: Vortex everyone I meet always likes me except for Edgar

Vortex on the phone: well I'm going to let you go take care of yourself, and Edgar once and for all okay

Logan: I will see you when I can all right when I kill him we'll go out for beers

Vortex: all right bet see you when you're done SD

The phone call ends and Logan gets up and gets Ready for War with his rival he checks his phone first and sees multiple messages left for him

Voicemail: you have four new messages, message one left at 12:55 p.m.

Jack's Voicemail: hey son just seeing how you're doing look I know what I said when you left Marcy here at the house, and I really wish I could take it all back I don't really don't want anything to happen to you I love you son(message ends)

Voicemail: message two left at 1:25 p.m.

Marcy's Voicemail: hey Daddy I'm just calling to check up on you see how you're doing since mom passed well I hope you're doing okay I'll let you go now see you when you get here love you(message ends)

Voicemail: message three left at 1:55 p.m.

Marcy's Voicemail: Hey Dad it's me again I'm sorry I had to remember something I to tell you schools having a job evaluation thing what's best about our parents and what do they do and I thought maybe you would come to the school and tell the class what you do and stuff well not the other stuff but just lie and say you have a straight job you know anyway if you can that would be great please love you bye

Voicemail: message for left at 5:59 p.m.

Unknown number Voicemail: hello Logan I'm just wondering if you're ready for the war tomorrow you will die by my you are the literal pain to my existence and I will crush you I will break every orifice and bone in your body. you.will. die. so prepare yourself. Speed Demon.

Logan: oh I'm ready Edgar. are you?

He gets ready he grabs the family double barrel shotgun and saws off the bud and saws off the barrel short enough to where it's a sawed-off shotgun and grabs a bunch of ammo and puts it in his bag and he also grabs his small sub-noose revolver and two wrenches he goes to the garage and unveils his 1969 Dodge Challenger with blower

Helluva boss And the speed demonUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum