Chapter 13 - Comfort

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sorry this took so damn long 😒

but also!!! im gonna be updating the cover for this book soon so it might be different when this chapter comes out idkdkdkkdkd

paintbrush is scared of thunder bcuz their- actuallyyyyyyy im saving this for later!!!

and new usernames for them cuz the old ones SUCKKKKK

anywaysss enjoy!!


Paintbrush POV
I groaned out of boredom. Test Tube and Fan still weren't back yet and the rain was only getting worse.

"Painty.." "Yeah?" "Is now a bad time to mention this?" Lightbulb asked, walking up to me. "Mention what?"

Lightbulb giggled nervously. It was odd, I don't think I've seen her this nervous before.. or nervous like at all. This only made my concern rise as she fiddled with her thumbs.

"I um.. I'm kinda... scared of the dark." "Oh.. well, we're in this together. I-If it helps." "It surprisingly does." She said as she leaned her head into my chest and wrapped her arms around me.

I gently patted her head and chose to ignore the thought forming in the back of my mind. "Do ya know when it's gonna get dark?" She mumbled into my chest.

I patted her on the back and took out my phone. "You're lucky the weather app works with no internet." I said, slightly chuckling. "The sun will set in a couple hours or so."

"Okie dokie. At least it can't get any worse than this!" Lightbulb said, looking up at me. Just then, there was a loud bolt of lightning that made me jump and cover my ears.

"..Oops." "Ugh- fuck. Why thunder??" I asked, mostly to myself. "Are you okay, Painty?" "Yeah, I-I just need to sit down.."

We sat down on the floor in front of the windows that were near the door. I sighed. God this is so embarrassing.

"Paintster, are you sure you're alright?" "Huh? Oh- yeah yeah yeah! It's just I-" I was quickly interrupted by another bolt of lightning.

I flinched and covered my ears again. I quickly went into a fetal position and felt myself shake. It's not him, Paintbrush. Calm down. You're probably scaring Lightbulb..


Lightbulb POV
I frowned at Painty's discomfort. They looked so scared.. "Painty?" No response. I looked at them closer a realized they were crying.

Well.. this isn't good. I looked towards their hands which were gripping their ears. They were gripping them so hard that they were turning red.

They looked up at me as they hyperventilated. "Painty, breathe." Another lightning strike. They jolted and whined.

I moved my hands to touch them but stopped myself. "Uh, are you okay with touch right now?" They didn't respond.

I looked at them concerned before they slowly nodded. I smiled a little and gently moved their hands from their ears and held them.

Another bolt came and Paintbrush moved to cover their ears before I stopped them and held their hands again.

"Come with me." I stood up and pulled them with me. I could feel their hands shake in my grasp. They really are scared, huh?

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