Chapter 3 - Apartments

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Paintbrush POV

Me and Lightbulb snuck back in and I collapsed onto my bed. "You're tired already, Painty? It's only 10:15." "Lightbulb, we didn't even fix the gate." I said, sitting up. "And I'm pretty sure they have cameras." "I took them out when I kicked the gate, obviously. They fell to the ground!"

I mentally facepalmed. What is wrong with this girl. "Anyways," Lightbulb said, sitting on my bed next to me. "When we were walking back, I texted Picks and said that we could have the double date the week after orientation." "How did you even get his number?" "I took the number out of your pocket when you weren't looking!" I sighed. "Okay then," I said, rolling my eyes. "By the way, in a couple days I'm gonna look for apartments in the city."

"Ooo! You're moving here?" I nodded. "Where I'm from people are.. um, pretty homophobic. I actually figured out I was non-binary in middle school and had to keep it from my parents for all this time." "Oof, sounds rough. My town is every accepting. As soon as I figured I was tr- pansexual, they accepted me for who I was! They were kind of a lot to deal with though, and they didn't fully understand or accept until 2 years later."

"When did you move to my town?" "It was like the summer after 8th grade. My parents said that if I wanted to keep Baxter that we had to move into a house since our apartment didn't allow pets, which I think is pretty unfair. So we just moved. I didn't really have any friends to say goodbye to since everyone thought I was weird." I feel kind of bad for her. I don't think she had any friends in high school either.

"Welp," She said standing up. "That's enough of this sappy stuff! I gotta get to bed. Baxter's probably worrying about me by now." She giggled as she left my room. I should've met her earlier. Maybe she would've had more friends if I had talked to her in high school.


"Uno! One more card left baby!" Fan exclaimed, as she put down her last card. Me, Lightbulb and Fan were playing Uno and Fan was winning. (Makes up for his height that's for sure.) She had put down a blue plus 2 and it was Lightbulb's turn. "Painty." "Lightbulb." She put down a plus 4 and so did I. "Uno!" I yelled out, smirking at Fan. "Wha- You guys cheated!" "We're just playin' the game, Flat Face. No need to be so upset." "Don't call me Flat Face."

Fan picked up 8 cards. Lightbulb placed down a red 6. I put my final card down which was a red plus 2. "Uno! I win!" "I hate you guys." I chuckled, "We hate you too, Fan." "Loser has to clean up!" Lightbulb said, running to her room. "But you lost too!- Ughhh!" I smirked. "Sucks to suck, Fan. It also sucks being that short, like god, when I'm sitting down and you're still short." Fan rolled her eyes and started to clean up the uno game. I stood up and went to the kitchen to get a snack.

We've been here for few days now. Today's the 4th day. I've been getting used to my roommates. We've been going to classes to get a feel for what they'll be like on an actual school day. I'm gonna go look for apartments today and Lightbulb really wanted to come with me. Even though I'm getting an apartment, I'm still gonna be living on campus when school starts, this is just a temporary place for me to stay since I can't go back home.

I texted my parents last night coming out to them and they said to never come back and they are disowning me, but I don't really care what they think anymore. I'm my own person now. I was thinking of getting a job at that coffee shop me and Lightbulb went to a couple nights ago. Pickle did say it pays good. I can think about that tomorrow, right now I need to look for apartments.

I knocked on Test Tube's door. "Hey Testy?" Xe opened their door. "Oh! Hi Paintbrush! What do you need?" "Can you drive me and Lightbulb somewhere? I'm looking for apartments and you're the only one here with a car, and a license.." "Ah, okay, just give me one second! I met you guys outside." "Yeah okay." Testy closed her door. "Hey Lightbulb? Are you ready to go?" I yelled, knocking on the bathroom door. "Yep!" She slammed the door open, almost hitting me in the face. "Is Testy gonna drive us?" "Yeah, let's go."

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