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Seungcheol took a warm relaxing shower and wore a simple white t-shirt and grey sweatpants, normally Seungcheol wouldn't wear such clothing unless it's bedtime but today was a Sunday which meant it's lazy Sunday. Seungcheol was the absolute laziest when it comes to Sunday no duties. Seungcheol made his way to his mother who was in the living room reading a magazine.

"Eomma?" Seungcheol happily called out, Jihye puts down the magazine drifting her attention to Seungcheol.

Seungcheol leaps towards her and sits next to her placing his head on her lap.
"I meet someone." Seungcheol started, Jihye happily squeals  "Who's he or she?"

Seungcheol sits up to face her, "A boy.." Jihye cooed, "When?" She questioned.

"Today, meet him near the lake...I like him Eomma, the connection I can feel it."
Jihye held Seungcheol's hand, "That is great my dear." "Yeah it is." Seungcheol sounded sad. "What's wrong my dear?"

"He doesn't seem to have an eye of gold towards us. I think he hates us." Seungcheol said in a sulky tone. Jihye placed her hand under her chin, "That's something. His name?"

Seungcheol frowns, "I didn't ask and even if I did I don't think he'd tell me."
"Answer with a yes or a no, do you want him Seungcheol?" Jihye sounded serious. Seungcheol nods, "I do."

"Then get your lazy arse up and go find him."
Seungcheol had an urge to roll his eyes at his mother but he wouldn't dare.
"He's a commoner, what will Appa think?"

Suddenly the queen's rosey scent was replaced with a strong intoxicating lavender scent.
"It doesn't matter what he thinks."

"What doesn't matter what I think?" ㅡThe King of Miraeㅡ Seojoon said, he stood at the top of the stair making his way down.

Jihye stood up from her sit, "Seungcheol my dear I'll be in my  room."
Jihye made her way upstairs passing Seojoon, as both the King and Queen throw a glare at eachother.

Seojoon rolls his eyes. "What spoiled her mood?" He takes a sit next to Seungcheol.

Seungcheol scoffs, "You."

Seojoon leans into the comfortable couch. "I don't think so, I can't even stay in the same room as that woman neither look at her. She is way to-"

"Can you stop please" Seungcheol begged, he was so used to the way his father had spoke ill of his mother and the way his mother spoke ill of his father. It made him sick knowing the fact that both his father and mother hated eachothers guts, been married for 25 years has done no good expect for Seungcheol's birth.

As a growing teen Seungcheol always thought he was the cause of his parents hatred towards eachothers but it's not the case. He learned that the day his parents got married there was no love nor connection.

"So what are you two talking about?" Seojoon asks.
"I think I found the one." Seungcheol pushed away his untimely thoughts. "The one, as in?"

Seojoon hums pushing back his jet black hair, revealing his still youthful handsome face.
"Well my son, good luck with your bonding."

Seojoon walks away heading upstairs to room, the same time Jihye's bedroom door opens.
Seojoon and Jihye came face-to-face with eachother both their intoxicating scents filling the air, both scents had a mixture of  Anger and Disgust but far most Hatred.

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