Devin was Fatima's assistant/ intern who Fatima personally hired. When she was offered the job, she did a quick look around to see who she was keeping and who she wasn't. After she caught Hamler's intern on her hands and knees for him, there was no way she was keeping her. Lord knows whoever else she has done that for in that building. Devin is in his final year of law school and one of his classes mandates an internship and he lucked up with working for the DA's office. Of course Zac isn't a fan of him, nothing to do with Devin, but Zac doesn't want any man near his wife. Call it insecurity, he doesn't care. 

"Mhm." She rolled her eyes picking up the phone. "DA Wilson." She replied as soon as her phone touched her ear. "Does it have to be today?" She let out an angry grunt, she wanted to use her off day to sleep and eat. That's it.

"Okay, I will be there sometime today." She sighed hanging up and putting her phone back in her purse, she closed her eyes leaning back on the elevator walls breathing. "You good?" He asked resting his hands on her stomach.

"Yeah Robin want me to go to the prison and see if one of them will talk but I don't think any of them will honestly." She admitted opening her eyes as the elevator dinged on their level, they walked into the lobby where Zac motioned her to sit down while he check her in and fill out in paper work.

After giving the front desk lady the clipboard back he sat down by Fatima. "You don't think any of them will talk? I am sure one of them is weak link."

She sighed thinking about it. "Hamler is too arrogant to switch up especially towards me, a woman. Gary and Hayden have been with Ian for years so I know their loyalty pays well. And to make matters worse, all three have them have high profile lawyers that is coming out of Ian's pocket." She shook her head getting irritated just thinking about it.

"Sounds tough but I know you got this in the bag." He bragged kissing her cheek a few times which made her smile inside. "If I was you, I would try to get Hamler to crack first, lie to him." Zac shrugged.

"Lie? You so unethical and morally wrong." She chuckled. "Okay bend the truth, tell Hamler about Gary and Hayden's extensive loyalty to Ian and how they are blaming everything on him. He may not like you but if you make it seem like his back is against the wall, he may become an ally." He shrugged again and Fatima couldn't lie, Zac had been giving her solid advice lately.

He turned his face looking at her stared oddly, making him scrunch his face up, "What?"

"Oh nothing." She smiled rubbing the back of his neck. "I just wanna fuck the shit outta you right now." She replied innocently and Zac looked around the lobby to see if anybody heard her. "You are wild right now." He chuckled.

"Fatima Wilson." The nursed called out holding a clipboard and holding the door open with her foot. Zac helped Fatima up from the seat before they made their way back. The nurses checked her blood pressure and weight before taking her back into the room.

Fatima sat up on the table lifting her shirt up while they waited for the doctor to come. "Babe?" She called out as Zac was nose deep in his phone, "Hmm?" He looked up quickly putting his phone in his pocket.

"You good?" She asked by his sudden and random movements. "Yea-" His sentence cut short as they heard a knock before the door slowly crept in revealing Fatima's OBGYN. She was a pretty white women and she had the sass to be invited to the cookout, she was a 'cool mom' in her humble opinion.

All three exchanged pleasantries while her doctors washed her hands quickly and then picked up the chart looking over everything. "Wow." She uttered looking at the results the nurse inputted. Zac and Fatima looked at each other with a face of concern before looking at the nurse again. "Is everything alright?" Fatima asked feeling shivers come down her back.

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