"Rosa! Rosa, you wouldn't believe what I just saw!" Lisa declared as soon as she entered Rosalyne's cabin, not bothering to knock or ask about coming in.

"Lisa, at least knock first—!" Rosalyne tried interjecting but Lisa didn't let her. "Ugh, forget about that! Listen to me, I saw Y/n just now!"

Rosalyne blinked in confusion, "....And? Is that supposed to be so surprising?"

"No, that isn't the point! I saw her with someone, a woman we have never seen before!"

Rosalyne tilted her head in confusion, "Lisa.... say it properly at once."

"Hah~ Fine fine." Lisa finally calmed down and walked beside Rosalyne.

"So, I saw Y/n step out of her car with a beautiful mature woman. I have never seen her and I doubt you would have either, now the important thing is..... they looked pretty close~"

Rosalyne's eye widened, "Close as in?"

"Wellll.... I saw them smiling as they talked then she hugged Y/n and Y/n looked rather flustered~"

Rosalyne's mind went in a confused daze for a moment before she furrowed her brows, "You are exaggerating, Lisa. Those are normal actions and knowing Y/n, I can understand her getting flustered from such physical actions."

"But aren't you curious what their relationship is?! Oh my god, what if they knew each other in the past and have unrequited feelings for each other?! Rosa, you have a rival!"

"L-Lisa, stop with those conclusions!"

"But what if I'm right?! See, I told you to start getting more assertive before it's too late!"

"A-Assertive?! What do you even expect me to do? Seduce her?!"

"Yes! Use your sexual charms! Make it so that she sees nobody else!"

Rosalyne blushed, "You are being outrageous, Lisa! Do you realize what you are saying?!"

Lisa was about to speak more when a knock was heard followed by you walking inside, catching both of them in the middle of their conversation.


Some time had passed since you started studying with Ms Rosalyne today, you couldn't help but feel she was not fully attentive and seemed to be thinking of something else the whole time. In her mind, she couldn't forget Lisa's words and kept pondering what the situation really was. Who was this woman she was talking about? Were you close with her? Also, should she really use her 'sexual charms' on you now? 

"I don't even know how that woman looks, why am I worrying this way?! No no! I can't get swayed by Lisa's words; this would be highly inappropriate!"

She pinched her naval bridge in frustration then looked at you once again, gazing at your focused stature and a sudden feeling of possessiveness came over her. She had no right to interfere with who you meet and choose to stay around of, after all. She gritted her teeth then picked up her phone to message Lisa- 

How did that woman look? 

Almost instantly, she received a reply.

Ooh?~ Is that jealousy I'm sensing?~

Rosalyne sighed before replying.

I'm only curious. She could also be Y/n's relative and we may be misunderstanding.

Hah~ Fine fine. She honestly didn't look like a local, she had a bit.... Liyuean vibe to her, long silver hair, expensive clothes and jewellery, slim and curvy figure in all the right ways~ Oh, and she was almost as tall as you judging by their hug. I really doubt she's Y/n's relative.

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