Chapter 13 : A Saiyan Beserk

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Jackarot: W-WHO ARE YOU?!

The figure looked at Jack, his eyes glistening before he charged at Him.

Jackarot: YOU BASTERD!!!

Before the figure could take a blow Jackarot woke up

Jackarot: DAHH!! *huff pant huff pant huff pant*
J-just a dream... But something about that felt... too real... Whatever, time to get up.

He grabs his gi top, torn up. Jack didn't exactly want to sleep naked in a place that wasn't his own. He puts his top on and sit at the edge of the bed. Jacks thoughts went to Caulifla.

Jackarot: that short, spitfire Saiyan punk Caulifla. She was short-tempered, immature, and rather lazy, but she was beautiful and full of untapped strength. In a way, she was perfect, at least, in my eyes.. w-wait, why in I thinking these things again!?

???: Yes why Indeed.

That strange voice appeared agian but Jack didn't thought of it so he walks out seeing the Punks resting and snoring, Jack flys slowly as not trying to wake up the Saiyan Punks and not cause trouble agian, as he was out and was outside the hideout, Jack hears noises in the distance.

Jackarot: oh no, please don't be real?!

Jackarot flys over to the noises were coming from only to find out, it was Cabba and Caulifla, sparring. He flys over to see the two sparring in mid-air. Cabba blocked a series of punches from Caulifla, but she was yet to use her Super Saiyan form.

Cabba slid underneath her and hit a kick to the back of her head, sending her tumbling backward

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Cabba slid underneath her and hit a kick to the back of her head, sending her tumbling backward. She flipped onto her feet and powered up to Super Saiyan. Watching from a distance gave Jack a second to admire Caulifla, her eyes were gorgeous in the Super Saiyan form.

 Watching from a distance gave Jack a second to admire Caulifla, her eyes were gorgeous in the Super Saiyan form

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Jackarot: Even at Super Saiyan She's beautiful, AUGH WHY DO I KEEP THINKING THESE THINGS!!

???: Because you like her Jackarot.

The other voice almost sounds like himself but he didn't think of saying that?!

Caulifla: C'MON, CABBA!

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