A science project

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Vampires tend to be truly fascinated by sleep. They often cherish whatever fragmented memory they have left of it, "dreams" is, to most, a word without meaning.

Alice and Jasper were no exception. Multiple psychological and neurological essays sat on their shelves, they had read them in an attempt to gain back their understanding but it would never be the same. So far, observing Lorelei as she slept had made any desires they had of sleeping again disappear, watching her was extremely satisfying, now they only wished they could lay together.

She looked like a tired child, her limbs spreading in different directions, mouth ajar, hair tied into a loose braid, one that both bystanders wanted to undo, their fingers eager to feel its softness. As delicate as they would be a few hairs would inevitably get caught, perhaps it would be the case to start a collection, Jasper wondered, he couldn't let such a strong feature of hers go wasted; it reminded him of the dawns he had witnessed so many times in Texas' desert.

Her heart beat steadily, they had entered the room 31 minutes and 58 seconds ago and he had yet to build up the courage to take a single breath.

"We have to sit next to Lorelei tomorrow, during biology, and talk to her, a lot. It's the only way Mr. Williams will put us in the same group for the project," Alice broke the silence, her eyes never leaving the blissfully unaware girl,

"Well, you shouldn't have any problems with it," he replied

"You shouldn't either, you made so much progress today! You just need to breathe in now and tomorrow you'll be perfectly fine,"


"Yes, you've already done a great job in class today and her shirt almost doesn't cause any reaction from us anymore,"

"It's different, there's only her scent here, nothing to distract me. It will be overwhelming,"

"I'm here, it will be okay," She went up to the girl to demonstrate that it wasn't such an impossible task, painfully aware that, even if she had much finer control over her thirst, it wouldn't be an easy feat.

She took his hand and stepped closer to the teenager, crouching down, she took in every single detail of the warm skin, all those freckles were just so pretty, it was a shame vampirism would inevitably make them disappear. She breathed in, no words would be able to describe the scent, the absence of other living beings made it dangerously challenging; as she was still inhaling she moved his fingers up to her nostrils, it brought her some relief, and then she placed them on the warm throat, he, with extreme caution, caressed it.

She exhaled as she kissed him, indirectly making him respire her fragrance, his fingertips hesitated for a brief second on the delicate surface, his eyes set on the vibrant jugular.

He finally bent down, his razor-sharp teeth so close to one of her most vital and fragile points, if anything were to cut it she would die in a few seconds. He had never been this terrorized; he let himself go. It was the first time he perceived her in such a pure form; it energized him.

In an instant, he was at the other side of the room, not that it was much help. His eyes were wild with primal hunger; he knew that he had to continue if he wanted to make visible progress.

They left after another two minutes, satisfied with themselves, they had been able to adapt faster than what they had originally expected, much to Edward's pessimism.

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During the remaining night, Alice went through an absurd amount of clothes. She ended up settling on a soft pink blouse with a jeans gilet on top and a pair of dark-coloured velvet pants, the material matched with her choker, she always wore it as a subtle way to show loyalty to her family, even if they weren't united by blood, or at least not in the way it conventionally bonds people.

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