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The couple of vampires rose from their plastic chairs and started walking, but they still didn't let themselves breathe, too afraid of the scent that had to still be lingering in the air, it was not like they needed to do it anyway.

They were trying to find a relatively empty place to talk calmly. Alice pushed a light brown door and entered a man's bathroom, she couldn't care less at the moment and neither could Jasper, his jaw clenched and his nails digging into the palms of his hands. No one was in the restroom.

Alice's gaze raised to meet Jasper's worried eyes: "It's safe here" she said.

Jasper exhaled the air that was still present in his lungs and then inhaled, he could smell detergent and hand soap but also, unfortunately, excrements, he scrunched his nose up: "At least there isn't any trace of her" he thought. His lips parted: "What do we do now? Are you sure I'm not putting everyone at risk by staying here?"

"Renesmee's presence interferes with my visions but I would definitely see something that would affect our future so much. Do not worry." she stated.

Jasper was trying to do as she said but Bella's incident was still fresh in his mind, even if years had passed.

"I said do not worry" Alice exclaimed as she brought her arms behind her lover's head, tilting their necks to be able to look each other in their golden eyes. Their cold lips pressed against each other, her fingers playing with his hair, his hands relaxing and wrapping her waist.

A human teen was getting closer to the door so they interrupted the kiss, choosing not to use their vampire speed so that the moment would last longer, even if it were for a mere second. It didn't matter that they had all eternity together; they would never get enough of each other.

The boy who was about to enter, his hand already hovering midair, had the door slammed in his face as they exited the bathroom; it wasn't an accident. Alice knew that Edward was listening to their thoughts so she mentally told him that they would meet at lunch to talk.

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Lorelei was in class at the moment, during particularly boring moments she found herself going back to the memory of those two strange people, Alice and Jasper if she remembered correctly.

Lunchtime arrived quickly but before going to the cafeteria she got out of the school building into the parking lot, and, after hiding from the cameras, she began rolling a cigarette while waiting for her friends. They had started to meet there during their freshman year, in a way it had become a tradition for them to meet there at lunchtime.

Alex was the first to arrive, she was the guitarist in their band, she was quickly followed by Clay, the bassist, and Elijah, their singer. "Can you give me a cigarette? I forgot to buy them" Alex said innocently, she looked like a cat trying to get people to feel pity for her. She always did this and it worked most of the time.

"Only if you make it yourself. I'm not rolling it for you" Lorelei replied handing her tobacco, rolling paper and filters. She thanked her profusely, Alex didn't want to get on her bad side because her only other options were Clay, who vaped, and Elijah, who didn't smoke since he didn't want to 'ruin his voice' or something.

"Clay and I have been working on the new song, we need you to come this afternoon to rehearsal to see if it actually makes any sense. You still can, right?" Elijah gave her an accusatory look, it wouldn't be the first time they had been left without a drummer. Lorelei knew she wasn't exactly the most reliable person but at least Alex was a close second and to be honest she believed that the only reason Clay and Elijah never missed a rehearsal was because they were always at Clay's house anyway. Which was the only place they could meet to practice as a band.

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