The Devil Queen and Khushboo

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"PLAYING WITH MAGIC?" Qasin yelled back, as she pulled out her sharmon rod laced with evil darkness, she weavered it around summoning something that wasn't human nor creature. Shadows of black figures ran the fields encircling Balencia.

"YOU'RE WHOLE LAND IS LACED WITH MAGIC! I WON'T BE FOOLED!" Balencia bellowed back as she twirled her golden lightning around herself like a ribbon, electrifying the dark shadows that were headed towards her.

"STOP RUNNING! FIGHT ME HEAD ON!" Balencia roared as she came jolting towards the devil queen like a lethal bullet blasting her opponent in her face with her illuminated fists.

"UGH" Qasin complained as she dried her face from the blood, summoning her shadow clones to re-emerge and devour Balencia.

As Balencia was mid air, the shadow clones came falling in her direction, zapping passed the warrior's body, completely shattering her electricity like tainted broken glass. Qasin took her opportunity and came towards Balencia slamming her in the face with her sharmon road.

Balencia went flying backwards and landed back first into the ground. Her eye had started bleeding and Jamshar took a moment of hesitation. He had promised Balencia to let her fight alone and only intervene if she looked death near. But how could a husband possibly watch his wife be battered?

"Mmmm nugh" Balencia groaned as her vision became blurry, but she could see Qasin jolting towards her. She quickly got up and ran towards Qasin creating a clash, they both fell back towards the ground. But Balencia didn't waste any time, she got right back up pulling out her sword and hook, she swung the hook letting it grab onto Qasin's hair pulling her towards herself.

The illuminated warrior grabbed Qasin by the throat and slammed her down into the ground with her lightning shaking her whole nervous system. Qasin seemed paralysed, yet her eyes still roamed around.

Balencia pulled the devil queen by her hair holding her paralysed body up like a ragdoll. She held her towards Khushboo and mouthed.

"Do it..." Tears streamed down Balencia's face and tried escaping her inflamed eye.

Rehamal held the riffle for Khushboo as the fragile maiden prepared herself. The soldiers of Qasin started interfering for the queen was close to death. But Balencia had already prepared for that, for her soldiers, Jamshar and the Khanhawar warrior's began battling them.

In the midst of chaos, screaming, fighting, death and blood, Khushboo fired the riffle like the assassination she had always dreamed of. (BANG) Qasin fell lifeless to the ground. Her soldiers stopped in the midst of battle, for now they no longer served Qasin, for she was dead.

"HAIL THE QUEEN" A soldier yelled as they prepared themselves to kneel for Balencia, but she signaled them to stop.

"I don't wish for anyone to kneel to me!" Balencia commanded and the confused soldiers stopped immediately, watching her intensely.

Balencia walked elegantly towards Malaa, she looked absolutely mesmerising with her golden light woven into her skin.

"The new queen of this kingdom... Is Malaa, The Khanhawar warrior!" Balencia announced. The crowd stood in shock and disbelief, did Balencia not want all the land to herself? No one in history had ever behaved as Balencia.

"Me??... But Ba-" Malaa hesitated.

"You are worthy. And I announce this land, The Khanhawar Kingdom" Balencia decided watching Malaa's face change with deep appreciation.

"I-... I was kicked out of my own kingdom. I was royalty, but name battered ye. Now... Ye has given me... My honour ye!" Malaa chimed as the Khanhawar warrior's came up behind Malaa, thanking Balencia and congratulating Musabah's daughter.

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