I Desire The Infiräd

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"Oh my Lalzari, Lazari, Lazari!!!" The king bellowed as he held his arms wide open circling around himself in almost a twirl

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"Oh my Lalzari, Lazari, Lazari!!!" The king bellowed as he held his arms wide open circling around himself in almost a twirl. His slender figure stood like a windpipe suffocating it's prey.

"Yes master, I heard you wanted to see me?" The outsmarted vixen had started to use rhetoric appealing to the king. Mareeb stood behind her not saying a word, merely observing the two colliding tsunamis as they toss their passive waves of chaos at each other.

"Ah yes my strategist... I guess it's time for you to be enlightened" the sinister master snickered as he laid out a map on the table, tapping the wood to signal Lalzari to come over to him.

Brown stains expanded over the map, covering it and making it hard to see anything on it. "This... Was what I once used..." The king hissed before tearing up the map in great rage.

"But those BASTARDS have changed their locations and become hidden! You see Lalzari, there's seven outcasts outside the kingdom! For me to rule and take over Saddaqu Kingdom I need to kill off all the tribes that keep interfering with my plan! We need to track them down! Kidnap them! Torture them! And cut their string of life! All of them! They are nothing but absent dwellers! Useless souls! Only my kind shall rule!" The deviant king bespoke.

For the first time, Lalzari saw the King's twisted mind up close. His eyes twitching like the last remaining electricity in a light bulb ready to electrocute anything that touches it. My kind? Lalzari thought to herself before choosing to bravely but docilely challenge the king.

"Master... I'm not even from your kind. Your kind is fair-skinned, only birthed by the Ridals, only submitting to the Boblas. Not even your servants are from your kind!" The brave vixen said, pointing at Mareeb who was clearly from an earlier desert tribe with his deep-set brown monolid eyes.

"Oh Lalzari don't worry you're an exception I like your exotic feminine features. And for my servants... I created them so they aren't stained with their mud-like lowlife views and culture. I can accept that", Lalzari stood in utter disturbance for the sickening words that were coming out of the King's mouth. There's so much I want to say! An ethnic cleansing! He's a sick dictator! So much I want to tell him! But I can't do anything stupid... Something stupid is exactly what I did. I didn't say a word. Lalzari clenched her fist as she was horrified with the person she has become.

"How do we get rid of them master?" The self-preserved femme fatale asked.

"That's what I need my strategist for" the king replied as he touched Lalzari's hair putting it up to his face, caressing his cheek against it at times, treating the vixens features as a pleasuring contribution to his darkest desires. Lalzari's mind was racing with do's and dont's. She could tell him where The Sirs are but how would she explain that she knew exactly where they were? And would she be putting them in danger? How does she tell enough information to seem valuable but keep her morals?

"Tell me an outcast to start with and I'll make sure they seize to exist" A clever yet vague Lalzari bought herself some more time.

"AHAHAHAHAHA! That's what I like to hear my precious jewel. We start with The Naida's! They run forever, but do not move at all, they have no lungs or throat but a roaring call... That is where they reside. Find them for me, you have until the next sunset" the sinister king announced having fun with the game he was playing. Lalzari only answered with a nod whilst feeling completely hopeless inside.

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