The Viridian Cure

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"Boblas, noble men and women, and just

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"Boblas, noble men and women, and just...sick sick individuals come to us. They ask us to create a poison that will hurt someone they know. That's how it always goes..." Igazu elucidated as the rest opened their draws and cupboards filled with herbs, poisons and remedies. It was like looking at your reflection through broken glass, they had the potential, the gift, yet they gave birth to a flagitious tribe.

"But... we use to heal the sick you see" Lazarus sighed devastated that his tribe had become one to be a catalyst for disease instead of remedy. Igazu pulled out some of the herbs and medicines and placed them on the table, scattered like dominos pieces that didn't fit. The others seemed confused by her random action yet Igazu wasn't an impulsive woman, every action she took had an intent behind it. She looked up at Balencia and spoke,

"I can see you suffer from some kind of chronic face pain?" Balencia surprised by the gifted Armala, glazed her face and head with her delicate hands before stuttering,

"I- I suffer from extreme headaches that cause my sight to blur. The pain... is unbearable at times. But how... how did you know?" Igazu nodded smiling from satisfaction. She was like the sun before sunset, knowing that after dawn there will be light again.

"I have a gift! I'm surprised it still works but I can see if someone is in pain!" Igazu persisted. The gifted Armala rumbled through the herbs until she found one that looked a bit like mint but it's scent was that of burning thyme. She placed it in a boiling pot crushing the green herb until the boiling water turned a golden yellow.

"You see Balencia! There's remedies for everything! I can tell you have an active headache right now! This herb is one that derives from the icy mountains before the Ghamdoor sea. They're delicate and if not kept cool they'll desinigrate!" Igazu explained, the others had become curious to see Igazu creating the migraine cure. Senescent decided to participate and pulled out the frozen herb, it was a dark viridian green with small spikey looking needles. Senescent took a few needles off and places it in the boiling pot.

"This ingredient is something we call Sunsumsah. No one knows of this green herb but it does wonders to any type of pain. We've dipped them in black seed oil and honey and frozen them. But if you take too much instead of curing pain it'll take you to your grave" Senescent explained.

"Now for the final ingredient... the Dumian flower is one of the rarest. The last one was spotted outside the gates of kingdom Laham and we have harvested them ever since. A drop too much of it can cause a fatal death but just the right amount gives the heart a healthy pump. It doesn't just relieve pain, it cures it for good." Senescent explained as Igazu placed one of the whitest leaves of the Dumian flower into the pot. The colours immediately changed to a bright red and the water thickened. Senescent drained the remedy and poured it into a cup giving it to the everlasting warrior.

"Drink" Igazu requested.

Balencia pulled the cure to her face and as the sharp aroma of spice hit her nose and immediately sneezed. The drink was going to be spicy and perhaps unbearable so she decided to drink it all in one gulp. As soon as the warm remedy had traveled through her throat and down her belly something strange happened.

The waves of heat rose off Balencia's skin like flames above a roof. Droplets of sweat descended upon Balencia and she shook her head from disbelief of the strange sensation that overtook her body. Her cheeks felt like someone had poured gasoline on her and lit her on fire. Her clothes quickly became drenched and her sight blurred as if a fog was placed over her eyes.

She halted and fell off her chair, gasping for air like a suffocating child. Her hair turned wet and soaked, her hands so slippery she was sliding on the floor. She let out a gutturaling groan of pain. Then suddenly, the heat lifted itself from the maidens body like steam from a kettle and her temperature returned to normal. She took a deep breath of relief as her body felt hers again, if not better. Her throbbing headache had disappeared and the neverending nausea had subsided.

Balencia drew a breath of exhaustion as she came up from the floor and sat back at the table. Jazera placed a bowl of soup in front of her.

"You need to stay hydrated and it seems... you haven't eaten. Enjoy a meal Balencia" Jazera requested.

"You... are so gifted Armalas! You could do so much good." Balencia bespoke amazed by how she felt cured, rested and even healthy once again. The Armala's stayed quite for a bit, perhaps contemplating their choices or perhaps a road to redemption had infiltrated their thoughts.

"I- I don't want to live like this anymore..." Jazera, the leader of the Armala's, confessed. Her eyes filled up with thick round tears and they fell like pearls from a broken necklace, wetting her delicate face. Balencia couldn't help but feel for The Armala's. They were perhaps one of the tribes that had it the hardest, they had lost far too much in this world.

"That's why I've come to you" Balencia instigated standing tall and strong, she pulled out her wedding ring from her pocket and placed it on the table. It was a diamond covered band with a square diamond in the middle. It shined and glistened like broken stars falling from the heavens.

"This is my daily reminder to do good. For Jamshar... was only good. Armala ally yourselves with me! Give me a poison to kill the king and I'll repay you in giving you a herd of people that needs healing. Once I'm a ruler you'll only ever do good again!" Balencia roared in hope that her exchange would be tempting enough.

The Armala's stood in silence like the shushing of the ocean after a storm. Their emotions held heavy for they knew they couldn't live a life like this. Balencia could see it in their eyes, how they were filled with regret and sorrow.

"We will all meet our creator one day. In what condition... with what sins... do you want to stand in front of him with?" She said in a low voice for she wanted the words to have more impact than her voice. I've delivered the message, the choice is there's. Balencia told herself.

Senescent stepped forward rummaging through the draw as he pulled out the Dumian flower. He put it in a ziplock bag and handed it to the waves of electricity herself.

"Jazera I can no longer blindly follow what my heart aches to do. Balencia, a whole tea cup of this flower will kill him but this..." Senescent said as he handed her a small bottle of liquid and continued "this is the antidote. Do as you please with what I've given you. The choice is yours"

"And bring the herd of sickness, we shall cure them...we shall... ally with you" Jazera agreed. Balencia's face filled with a smile yet it wasn't the sweet innocent one she had when she thought of Jamshar or was endeared by Ahmali. This smile, this grin, had a rather cold glimmer to it.

"Finally, I've become Laham's worst nightmare" Balencia muttered under her breath only for her to hear.

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