Chapter 38 Welcome Miss Zor-El To The Axiom

Start from the beginning

Without specially levelled up players, a.k.a. the Justice League and their associates, the rest of the world were practically newbies with trash equipment who were unable to level up.

The famous saying went thus...... The poor rely on mutation and the rich rely on technology.

How many poor people could successfully undergo mutation without dying or becoming a monster in the process? Not everyone was Spider-Man who had genius parents to pave the way for him or Deathstroke who relied on his steel will and luck to successfully inject Mirakuru.

Look at Rudy Jones who became parasite, and you will know the consequences of an unsuccessful or partially successful mutation. If that wasn't enough, look at Cadmus and the list of poor subjects who were experimented on. How many came out alive?

The results were obvious. As for the rich, in the DC world, the most obvious example was The Dark Knight who burned millions of dollars every month just to keep all his equipment in check.

Batman literally said his superpower was…. “I'm Rich”.

So in the literal sense, the day Bruce loses his fortune is the day the Legend of Batman comes to an end. How many people could withstand such crazy consumption?

So in simple words, not everyone could be a superhero, but almost everyone could turn into a villain.

The day the Justice League all decided to hang up their capes, cowls, and tights to live completely normal lives would mark the beginning of the villain era.

Or would you expect the regular law enforcement who were paid less than sixty grand a year and equipped with nothing but guns and batons to deal with superpowered criminals capable of exploding buildings with a finger snap?

If you want an answer, look at Gotham's law enforcement before Batman arrived.

“They don't pay me enough to deal with this shit!”....... It is the standard motto of every Gotham police department staff, save for Gordon.

Lane heard her words but did not reply. Partially because he knew perfectly well that everything she said was nothing but the truth, but the main reason was because........

“......... That isn't my concern”. Sam said coldly.

“You don't have to worry about my intentions or that of the world council. Besides, no matter how much truth the subject has to it, some things will not change. The world depends on the Justice league, and that fact is as much a cancer as it is a merit”.

His words ended, followed by the habitual finger tapping on the armrest of his chair whenever he found himself to be in deep thought.

Sam Lane was many things, and a kind soul definitely wasn't one of them. On the one hand, he was a man who genuinely cares about the welfare of his country, so much that he would be willing to sacrifice his life if the situation calls for it.

On the other hand, he was extremely arrogant, proud, selfish, self-righteous and in many ways, brutal and insidious.

In specific situations, he could be just as ruthless as Lex Luthor.

For such a man, he wouldn't hesitate to use whatever means necessary to bring down those he deemed enemies.

And for Sam Lane, who strongly regarded his country as his lifeblood, the fact that the United States and even the whole world was dependent on the Justice league and its members to save them at every turn was a problem on its own.

The very concept that Earth's most powerful force were a group of people capable of destroying the world anytime they wanted to and that none of these people were under their control unsettled him greatly.

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