Chapter 13: The Opera

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After I was quickly escorted out of Ragnar’s chambers, I wandered around the harem. The sight of Ragnar’s fury and the way he braced himself before I could slap him made my stomach churn. When I slapped Artemus in the gardens, he hadn’t braced. Then again, Artemus did not have much time to react at all. As I thought harder about Ragnar’s reaction, a sudden realization popped into my mind. I sat on a couch lining the harem’s wall, pressing my head into my hands. Ragnar wanted me to slap him. But why? “Why would he want me to hit him?”

My thoughts were interrupted by footsteps echoing through the Great Hall. I looked up, noticing Artemus dressed in his evening wear. “Empress?”

“Good evening, Artemus,” I greeted, a small glimmer of hope poking through my heavy heart.

“Are you not supposed to be in the Fraujarn’s chambers? That’s where you said you were going to be, was it not?”

I hesitated, standing and walking to Artemus’s side. “I should be in his chambers. That much is true. He,” I said, pausing as I dropped my gaze. “He kicked me out of his chambers.”

Artemus stared, dumbfounded. “He what?”

“I don’t understand either, Artemus. Things were going well, but he kept avoiding me. Ragnar got mad, called me a whore, and kicked me out.”

Artemus’s eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching. “He called you a what?”

I placed my hands on his chest, standing in his way before he could take matters against Ragnar into his own hands. “I reacted similarly, Artemus. I was furious! But when I went to slap him for his words, I…”

“You what, my love?”

“I couldn’t do it,” I dropped my gaze to the ground, the sickening feeling of shame hanging over me. “He braced himself. He shut his eyes, like he was expecting to get hit. I couldn’t bring myself to hit him.”

“You may not, my love, but I certainly can!”

I pushed back against him, stopping Artemus from doing anything rash. “Please, Artemus. I'm begging you. Something doesn’t feel right about it. I think things were rushed way too fast for him. He just needs time.”

Artemus finally relented, resting his hands on mine. “Fine,” he murmured, a sudden mischievous glint appearing in his eyes. “If you aren’t going to stay with the Fraujarn, what are you going to do, my lovely Empress?”

I smiled, shaking my head lightly. “I appreciate your offer, Artemus, but I am not really in the mood.”

“Please, Empress? We don’t have to do anything. Even if we to just lie together, that would be enough for me.”

I pressed a kiss to his cheek, the glint in his eyes slowly dissipating. “I’m sorry, darling. I am going to go back to my chambers tonight. Perhaps another day I may visit you. I will inform your valet when I feel ready, alright?”

“Alright,” he pouted, an over exaggerated frown growing on his face. “I’ll be so very lonely without you, my love.”

“If you keep begging, darling, you will keep being lonely,” I teased, lightly pressing his nose before kissing it.

“Then I best save my begging for another time, no?”

I rolled my eyes, my face growing warm. “You are too much for me, darling! Good night, Artemus.”

“Good night, Empress.”



The next day, the sky was dark with clouds. I rested in my parlor, sipping tea as Lady Castilien sat across from me. “Your Highness,” she began, pausing to drink her tea. “I do hope that you will attend the opera tomorrow night. I hear that it is supposed to be one of the finest performances put on by the Imperial Opera Troupe.”

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