Chapter 6: The Court's Request

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Long after the celebrations had ceased for the night, I finally found a moment for myself. "I have certainly taken silence for granted," I uttered, lounging deeply into a plush sofa.

Unfortunately, that silence lasted only a few minutes before being interrupted by a series of gentle knocks on the door from behind me. "Enter," I called, sitting up in my seat.

"Your Highness, it's me."

I grinned, recognizing the voice immediately. "Lord Maxim, what brings you here?"

The door latched. Silence responded to my question. "Lord Maxim-!"

He was there as soon as the final syllable of his name rolled off of my tongue. His hands cradled my face, his mask resting on the ground beside his feet, his lips against mine. My breath hitched, and my eyes opened wide with surprise. He spoke to me without words at that moment. Fast, desperate almost, finishing nearly as quickly as it began. I tried to speak, but I had been rendered speechless, my words stolen from my lips. Maxim stood straight, staring down at me with a blazing look in his eyes. Why did his eyes gleam with such a menacing expression? A moment of silence echoed between us, my pounding heart becoming the only thing I could hear. Then it hit me - he was jealous. "My lord? Are you," I hesitated, embarrassment making my cheeks run red. "Are you jealous?"

Maxim remained silent, taking a seat beside me. I watched him, his eyes darting to the floor as soon as he sat. Maxim's usual toothy grin was noticeably absent, a deep frown replacing it. "Lord Maxim," I cooed gently, resting my hand on his. "Why so silent?"

His cheeks began to flush, hazel eyes rising to hesitantly meet mine. The silence persisted until Maxim finally found his words. "Empress," he mumbled, pausing as his eyes fell from my face. "I am quite ashamed to admit that I do feel quite jealous."

"Why do you feel that way?"

"You left with that Fraujarn during the banquet, Your Highness."

I smiled, running my fingers up and down the top of his hand. "I left because there was something that needed to be taken care of. I felt it looked best if I brought a Fraujarn with me. To show that there is a relationship to be built between our nations."

Maxim looked up once more, his frown softening. "Are you sure?"

"I assure you, that's all that went on between us. In fact, Prince Ragnar was kind of cold to me. I tried to discuss peace, but he told me that it was miraculous that Emperor Augustine even accepted the invitation."

Maxim's toothy grin returned, his hand turning so he could interlock his fingers with mine. "That is pretty typical of the Fraujarns. That's just something that you're going to have to get used to if you want peace between Vorenia and Fraujar, Your Highness."

"I know," I groaned, leaning against his shoulder. "But I just wish that they wouldn't be so, so..."

"Unbearable? Impossible?"

"Yes," I said, tilting my head to get a better look at him. "You understand."

"Of course I do, my dear. I'm an ambassador."

I laughed, my heart swelling as I did. Was this what love felt like? Whatever it was, it felt wonderful. "How could I forget? Come here then, Mr. Ambassador."

He leaned down as instructed, pressing his lips gently to mine. Maxim pulled away, looking down at me with a mischievous glance. He began peppering kisses across my cheeks, chin, and neck. "Stop!" I laughed, trying my best to twist out of his grip.

"Try to, darling! Try your best!" Maxim challenged me, nuzzling his nose against my cheek.

I tried to think of something to say to stop him in between hearty shudders of laughter. "You look kind of cute when you're jealous, you know."

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