Chapter 10: The Binding Ceremony

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The weeks leading up to the Binding Ceremony had certainly been stressful. After Brooker informed me of the rebellion in the Imperial Court, the so-called, ‘Black Capes’ delivered a letter. They explained how they were leaving the palace to resume business elsewhere – wherever that could be. The absence of the rebels opened a huge vacancy in the Imperial Court.

Besides the rebellion in the court, Lady Castilien had agreed to move into the palace. It only took a few days for her belongings to be retrieved from Ibaelia and brought back to her new home. During the days leading up to the Binding Ceremony, Lady Castilien helped to ease me when anxiety gripped my mind and body. We often drank tea and discussed the candidates who would be signing the documents of marriage, especially her cousin, Alexandr. She told me about the way his eyes gleamed with mischief when he performed a comedy and the way they would similarly gleam with tears as he recited a tragic monologue. “His eyes shimmer like the sun’s light reflects on a dewy blade of grass,” she had said, pausing to take a sip of tea. “His hair is as brilliant as the tips of a flame.”

Her descriptions drew a brilliant picture of the Ibaelian I was to wed within my head. “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to meet such a marvelous man! Surly I will have to see him perform at one point or another!”

“Indeed,” Lady Castilien responded, placing her teacup on its saucer. “Or perhaps you should commission a painting. Oh, how he loves to paint!”

Her words cemented themselves into my memory, only adding to the excitement of meeting the men who would soon pledge themselves to me. Before I knew it, that day had arrived. I awoke with a start, sitting up and summoning Marie. In a matter of a few minutes, she arrived carrying a platter with my breakfast. “Good morn’, Your Highness! The festivities already began in the villages last night. Apparently, some of the gentlemen were spotted down in the villages.”

“Really,” I exclaimed, lifting a piece of toast to my lips. “Anyone in particular?”

“Two reportedly, Your Highness. One with flaming hair and another as white as a ghost. They joined in with the festivities. The one with flaming hair performed a comedic scene with the help of another troupe who was there for the festival. I heard it was quite the performance, Your Highness!”

I laughed, taking a sip of my tea. “I haven’t a doubt! I’ve heard from Lady Castilien that he is an excellent performer.”

Marie smiled, turning to me. “Apologies for changing the subject, Your Highness, but what were you thinking of wearing for the ceremony today?”

I thought for a moment, chewing on a piece of egg that I speared with my fork. I could wear a dress, but I could also wear something different. “Bring a suit.”

Marie nodded, disappearing back into the staff halls. When she returned, she carried an outfit made up of three pieces: A pair of black trousers, a thin cotton blouse with puffy sleeves, and a beautiful silver decorative breastplate.“An interesting choice, Your Highness. Surely you will look radiant!”

I smiled, rising from my bed as I finished my breakfast. “That is what I intend, Marie! I want to look perfect for this momentous day!”

I quickly changed and sat down before a vanity for Marie to do my hair. As she braided and twisted my hair, I thought of what I was going to say during the ceremony. Greeting my husbands, signing the marriage documents, and the activities to follow all festered like paper cuts in my mind. How was I going to address everything? I took a breath, grounding myself the best I could before looking in the mirror. Marie stood back, admiring the work she had done. My hair was woven together in a braid around my head, a small purple ribbon intertwined with the hair. Lastly, Marie placed a decorative silver tiara on top of my head, pulling my outfit together. I stood, a wide smile on my face. “It’s perfect, Marie,” I said, looking at my reflection. “A balance of beauty and power.”

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