Chapter 5: The Coronation

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The week since the Imperial Court’s decision passed swiftly, and preparations for my coronation were finally wrapping up. The dress I wore had been hand-made by twenty seamstresses, the final product a testament to the masterful craftsmanship of the women. The dress was a brilliant, rich purple with silver decal from the hem to the bodice. While regal and beautiful, the dress weighed a deceiving amount. The full weight of the fabric rested on my shoulders as if bags of rocks had been tied around my torso. To move, four maids would pick up the train, allowing me to move without too much trouble. As the time drew closer to begin the journey to the Cathedral of the God and Goddess, my mother entered my chambers, dressed in her best for the coronation. “Dearest, the time of your crowning is drawing near,” she said, fidgeting with an object in her hands. “It is tradition for the person who is going to be crowned to wear this veil.”

Lifting her hand, she revealed the veil. I stared at it, pursing my lips as I noticed that the veil was mostly opaque. “Then I shall wear the veil,” I said, nodding my head.

“Due to the events of the previous weeks, your security will be increased for your journey to the Cathedral. You may not be able to see very well, but you can trust that your security will be sure that you make it safely.”

I nodded once more, bowing as my mother secured the veil around my head. She flipped the veil over my head so she could see my face, smiling with a gentle, yet sad pride shining in her eyes. My mother pressed her lips to my forehead, caressing my cheek. “You shall lead our great nation into an age of prosperity, my child. The God and Goddess must have had a reason for stealing your father and beloved brother from us. Make me proud, darling.”

As she turned and walked out, Marie came into my chambers. “Your Highness, the time has come.”

I nodded, ringing for the four maids to return and help me with my dress. They entered, curtsied, and lifted my train. “Your Highness will travel to the Cathedral of the God and Goddess and have the Imperial Robe put on.”

Marie led the way as I walked down the hall, the four maids walking and lifting the train of my dress. The guards lining the halls bowed their heads to me as I passed, some uttering, “Long live the Empress,” to themselves.

When we arrived at the front of the palace, the doors opened to reveal a grand convoy awaiting me. The Imperial Coach was pulled by eight massive pure white horses, their pink nostrils flaring in anticipation to deliver me to my destination. I looked to the left and right, noticing the long lines of soldiers on horseback surrounding the coach. My security. The footman offered his hand to me as I stepped into the coach, which helped me considering my dress's ridiculous weight. "Thank you, sir," I said, settling into my seat as my dress wrapped around me.

The footman nodded, closing the coach door and sealing me inside. I felt like a baby bird snuggled in a nest, offering some sort of humor in my discomfort. I chuckled at the thought as it lingered in my mind. The coach jolted as the horses began pulling forward, catching me off guard as I felt the sharp movement. I looked out of the window, watching the palace begin to move, soon being replaced by the rolling country hills. The Capital and the Cathedral of the God and Goddess were about a twenty-minute ride from the Imperial Vorenian Palace, the countryside dividing the palace from the rest of the Capital.

The twenty minutes dragged on, and after five, I found myself nodding off to sleep. To keep myself awake, I began to trace the designs on the coach walls. An eagle holding a sword and a stem of Gladiolus sat in the center of the wall, surrounded by swooping feathers, flowers, and other designs that filled the white interior of the coach. Before I knew it, we had reached the Capital’s northern border. I flipped the veil over my face, preparing for my arrival.

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