The Belly of the Beast

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(Y/n)'s POV

Zane is tending to the back Land Bounty, Nya is trying to contact Pixal, and Lloyd is getting the rest of our food and water out to see how long we will last out here.

The rest of us are sitting around, trying to cool ourselves off while the vultures start circling.

"Morro, can't you use your powers to make a giant fan or something." Cole groans.

"I'm the master of Wind, not Master of Air Conditioning." Morro states, annoyed, "So unless you want sand in your eyes, kindly shut up."

"Maybe I could tame Bernie." I state half-heartedly, "Or maybe-"

"Don't even think about it." Kai interrupts me, "A giant snake, sure. But a giant beetle? Forget it."

I sigh, "Whatever, bugs are disgusting anyway."

Lloyd finally comes back with more supplies and puts it down next to us, "And that's the last of it."

"That's not good. Less than a day's supply of water." Kai says.

"And the ATV, Dune Bounty, Phantom wheeler are wrecked. And the Rock Cycle isn't fast enough to outrun those beetles!" Seliel adds.

"Well, even if it could, it would only carry one of us." Kai reminds us.

"Maybe Nya could draw some water out of the air?" Lloyd suggests.

"You're kidding, right?" Morro asks, annoyed gesturing to the desert.

"In this heat? Low humidity? I don't think so." Cole states before we turn to Jay after hearing him carving something in a rock.

"Jay, what are you doing?" Kai asks.

"Carving a message on this rock, so people know who we are when they find our bones." Jay wails.

"Can we try to be a little more optimistic, please?" Lloyd asks.

"I'm afraid there's little cause for optimism. Our situation is dire. The Bounty's engine will not start without the Thermolytic Inverter." Zane tells us after getting done with the Land Bounty.

"The therma-what?" Cole and Seliel ask.

"It is a critical engine component," Zane explains.

"Well, what's wrong with it?" I question.

"It is missing. I believe Beohernie ripped through the hull." Zane states.

"Bernie." Jay and I correct him.

"He tore that component out and swallowed it." Zane finishes.

Jay groans, "Well, that's just great! First, a giant beetle tries to eat us alive. Then, we smash into a pile of rocks." He storms off, continuing to complain.

"Can't we use the ATV's converter?" Lloyd asks.

"It was also damaged." Zane states.

"What about the Rock Cycle's converter or the Phantom Wheeler?" Nya questions.

"They aren't adequate for a vehicle the size of the Dune Bounty." Zane tells her.

“So you’re saying unless we get the Dune Bounty’s inverter back, we’re rockwrecked!” Seliel states in frustration.

“Affirmative.” Zane confirms.

"Is there any way we can build one?" I ask, "We could use parts from the other vehicles to make one and-"

"It won't work. If anything, the engine will just overheat faster." Zane states.

We suddenly hear a scream and turn to see Jay being dragged by his foot by Bernie.

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