Character Five: Honour among thieves (Benji)

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As the lights slowly appeared and hit Benji's face, sweat dripped off his face. The rope wrapped around his hands hurt as he tried to wiggle loose.

Benji saw that Cullen's face went pale when he saw Vivian and his face.

I'm sorry, thought Benji, this is all my fault...

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?" A dark smirk came to the man's face.

Benji continued to try to get free of his restraints but it was no use, he looked over to Vivian who was red with rage. She was trying to free herself but just the same as Benji she was having no luck.

"Please, we were only here on work, we needed the money! We haven't taken anything sir, we'll go." Cullen yelled from his spotlight.

Benji watched as the man pulled a small little box out from his pocket. It was a strange box, it was covered in little symbols and markings that look like words but not any language that he has seen.

"My name is Ramon King, I was the one you were planning to steal off! And this was what they were going to steal!" Ramon holds the box up to the light.

The box shined in the light, showing that it was small little gems that were bedded into the box.

Benji and Vivian's eyes met and Benji was filled with disbelief as he realised that the man knew who he was from the moment that he entered the building.

"I know who you are, Cullen Daza!I also know you, Miss Vivian Papilio and you young man, you are Benji Pena."

Benji saw as Ramon's face got darker and frightening, it felt as if the air had changed. He burst into an eerie laugher, he turned his attention towards the other people in the crowd.

"You are going to regret coming here, you all are."

Voices could be heard through the crowd, some were laughing thinking it was some kind of joke, others were whispering. What is he talking about? Is he threatening us? People in the crowd asked.

As doubt filled every individual. Benji felt darkness spread through each of them, something was going to happen and they needed to get out.

"Run! Get out! He's going to kill us!" One of the men from the group started screaming, and was trying to get to the door.

Once he did that a domino effect happened, what started as one man had changed to everyone. Everyone began to scream and run, all of them headed to the same door.

As the crowd moves Cullen and Yuri get pushed around by the panicking group.

Benji tries to move the mouth covering around his face to warn Cullen that he couldn't move it. He looks over to try to see Vivian, but she wasn't there. Benji looks thoroughly around but he couldn't see her, he looks back to see Cullen and a girl strangling to stay standing.

"V?" Benji tries to yell for Vivian through the mask but hardly any sound could make it out.

After watching the chaos, Ramon brought the box close to his face. Benji could have sworn he could hear talking to it. As he watched him, Benji's and his eyes met, he walked over towards him and as he did he was pulsing an energy about him, it was like nothing like Benji had ever felt before.

"Do you want to see a magic trick young man?" He was inches close to Benji's face, the dark energy that was around made it hard to look at him.

He showed Benji the box.

"Do you know what makes our world go round? Some may think it's fame or money, it's not... to tell you the truth it's not humans. Humans have no control of what happens on this earth, do you know what does? Monsters, creatures that hide in the dark of the people with money and fame. They control the darkness." He looks almost completely at peace as he talks.

"What are you talking about?" Benji burst out in question.

"The worst thing the devil ever did was convince the masses that he didn't exist." After saying that, with a glint in his eyes, Ramon steps back.

He grabs a key out from his coat pocket and slides it into the box.

"I will see you all in hell, fools!" With that he opens the box.

Honour among thievesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon