Character Thirteen: Honour among thieves (Benji)

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Benji let the words sink into his mind, the devil's prison, he repeated to himself. He looked at Alex, waiting for something, for him to say he was joking or to tell him not to take it literally.

"The Devil's prison? What does that mean?" Benji asked

Alex nodded in reply, Benji sat on the bed wondering what this could mean. That dark energy I felt coming off of Ramon and that figure were they Demons?

Alex looks at Benji and then walks out of the room leaving Benji to quietly think about everything.

Benji touched his face, the ruff skin burning beyond healing hurt as he brushed his hand across it. It was all so overwhelming, Benji didn't know where Cullen or Vivian were, or if they were even alive. Benji gently sobbed as he looked at himself in the window.

If this is what happened to me, what happened to them? Benji asked himself.

As the tear streamed down his face it slightly burned. He could hear voices outside, they didn't sound happy. Benji continued looking out the window when a face caught his attention, it felt like it was staring at him, dead in his eyes. The face turned and Benji took a deep breath out, as he did he closed eye and turned away from the window. When he opened them Ramon's face was staring at him centimetres away from his. Benji jumped from the shock and fell out of the bed, his burned arm still tied to the bed got pulled back.

"AHH!" Benji let out a scream as his burned arm began to bleed.

Alex came rushing back in, he pulled out a key and unlocked the chain. Benji's arm came out of a plop and red blood dripped onto the floor.

"Damn it kid! Get the medic in here!" Alex shouted

Alex continued talking to Benji, but he couldn't hear him. He was thinking about Ramon. What if I could have helped him? Benji thought.

A medic came in and helped Benji, he sat there, blank. Not thinking about anything but Ramon. Even though his arm was hurting he couldn't care, he was alone, he was hurt and he was being torched by his memory of Ramon King.

The nurse wraps up his arm and leaves, as she does Alex steps back towards Benji.

"You're a weird kid, you know? What's wrong with you?" Alex asks

Benji doesn't hear him, or maybe he did and he didn't care. Everything felt so far away.

Alex shakes his head and slaps Benji across his face. The pain wakes Benji from his state.

"Listen kid, you're going to have to tell me sometime, but right now all you have to do is keep your mind." Alex tells Benji.

Alex leaves yet again and Benji is left alone. He thinks about what Alex said, he is right I need to find Cullen and Vivian. Benji is filled with something, filled with hope. Benji rose to his feet and made a promise to himself.

"I'm going to fix what has happened and I'm going to find Cullen and Vivian, I will not stop until I do!" Benji said to himself.

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