Character Twelve: Honour among thieves (Vivian)

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Vivian stared blankly at the man, not knowing what to say. She then looks back at Nicholas who is looking just as serious as the man.

"What the hell is Chaus's domain?" Vivian asked angrily

The man reached down for his draw and pulled out some papers and put them on the desk. He started shuffling through them, as he did Vivian saw that he knew everything about her and the others. He found the one he wanted and showed it to Nicholas and Vivian.

"Benji, Vivian and Cullen are children from the trenches that have been employed to steal Chaus's domain from Ramon King. Their employer is unknown." Reads the man off the paper.

Vivian clenches her hands on the pants as she listens to him speak. How does he know everything? She wonders.

"Tell me who your employer is."

"Why should I? I don't know you or what you're going to do with me." Vivian replies smugly.

The man was getting angry, he clearly wanted to know who employed them but Vivian wasn't going to give it up until she had an idea of what was going to happen after. It's what Vivian thought Cullen would do.

"You're right, girlie, you don't know who we are, so let me show you. I'll take you around the base and show you your room and tomorrow you can tell us what you know." Nicholas interrupted.

Vivian didn't know what to say, if she didn't take this she would have to sit down and keep talking with this guy, but she didn't really trust Nicholas either.

"What do you say?" Asked Nicholas.

"Alright, but if I do what you say, you have to help me find my family deal?" Vivian said, looking at the man.

The man nodded and with that Nicholas took Vivian by her hand and dragged her out of the office. The door slammed behind them.

"Are ya hungry?" Nicholas asked Vivian.

Vivian wanted to say no, but really she was so hungry, she felt like she was going to eat everything. So she nodded and he took her to the cafeteria. There were so many smells, sweet and spicy flavours felt like it was in the air.

Nicholas tells her to sit at a table and goes to get some food. Vivian looked around and everyone was sitting around either eating or waiting for their food. It was nothing like the trenches, most people there didn't get any food, and the ones who did didn't tell anyone and ate by themselves.

Vivian hated how much people out here acted like they had so hard but were eating like this.

"Here you go girlie!" Nicholas handed her a platter of food.

Vivian looked at it with wide eyes, it looked like it was so much food. She grabbed some food with a fork and put it in her mouth, it tasted so good. It melted in her mouth.

"Is it good?" Nicholas asked, a little confused.

Vivian looked up at him and nodded with a smile. She continued eating until it was all gone. She burped and rubbed her face from any crumbs.

"Wow, you were hungry." Nichola said it with a laugh.

"There was never this much food in the trenches" said Vivian

Nicholas looks at Vivian and then removes the plate from the table and calls over someone. A woman then comes over and grabs the plate.

"I hope you know that you will have to pay this time Nicholas?" The woman told him.

"Yes yes, I know. I'll do it later, don't worry." Nicholas rensure her.

The woman rolled her eyes and took the plate around back into the kitchen. Nicholas walked off and told Vivian to follow. She got up and followed as they went from the kitchen to the training grounds.

There were soldiers everywhere, some were big and others were smaller. They all had different clothes and metals.

"Do you know how to fight?" Nicholas asked.

"Yes, I'm quite a good fighter." Vivian said with her head held high.

Nicholas laughed and walked over to who looked to be the trainer for the group they were watching. Nicholas put Vivian's name down to fight in the next round.

"You'll fight whoever wins this match, you okay with that girlie?" Nicholas said with a smirk.

"That will be fine!" Vivian said with her pride slightly hurt.

Vivian watched us men fight each other in a box shape area. The rules were that if you get pushed out or fall off your feet you lose, besides that there weren't many rules besides don't kill the other person.

Vivian watched as the bigger one lifted the other and threw him out of the box. He was a big man, but Vivian saw something as he was gloating about his win. He didn't lean on his left leg, and when he did it wasn't for long.

As Vivian was called in the box, watched as the man scoffed as she entered.

"Who the hell is this bitch!" He said with a laugh.

Vivian didn't say anything and got into a fighting stance. The man laughed once more and ran in to grab her. She jumped to the left and kicked out his left leg. After he was on his one knee she kicked him in the back forcing him onto the ground making her the winner.

"What the fuck! She cheated!" The man yelled in protest.

"Haha!" Nicholas brusted into the background.

Nicholas grabbed Vivian and raised hand above everyone else. Smiling and laughing while others either laughed or frowning. And they run laughing. 

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