Hanging Out

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Slim Jimmy POV

I met a girl named Cassie yesterday. She was beautiful as ever. I'm gonna hit her up so we can hang at my place today.

Slim Jimmy: Hey Cassie. Wyd
Cassie: In my bed, on Instagram and Facebook
Slim Jimmy: Oh, I was wondering if you could hang out at my place?
Cassie: Sure, what time?
Slim Jimmy: 12:00?
Cassie: Ok, I'm about to get ready Slim Jimmy: Ok, pick you up in a lil bit
Cassie: Aight, see ya later

It was 11:30, so I had time to get ready. I took a shower and put on this (outfit in multimedia). Then I checked the time, it was 11:50. I drove to her house cause it take me about 10 minutes to get their..,

Cassie POV

I took a shower, dried off, and put on this( outfit in multimedia). I decided to keep my hair straight with a bang. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I grabbed my purse, phone, and etc. I walked downstairs and sat on the couch.

Slim Jimmy POV

I pulled up to her house, got out, and rang the doorbell.

Me: hey, you look amazing!
Cassie: Thank you, you do too. So, we going to your house?
Me: Yes, come on.

I grabbed her hand and lead her to my car. We got settled in and i drove off.

Inside they house...

Me: I'll introduce you to my brother, Swae.
Cassie: Ok.

I lead her to Swae room and opened the door.
Me: Ayye Swae, this is Cassie, the girl I was telling you about yesterday?
Swae: Oh, Cassie huh? You are beautiful
Cassie: Thank you, and you look quite handsome yourself
Swae: Thanks, how old are you?
Cassie: 17
Swae: Ok, just to warn you. My brother caan sometimes say stupid shit that~
Me: Ok, that's enough. Let's go Cassie
Cassie: *chuckling* Ok
I lead her to the game room. It had table hockey, a vending machine, a flat screen tv, and gaming systems.
Cassie: Wow, this is amazing
Me: Thanks, what you want to do first?
Cassie: You have Michael Jackson's the Experience?
Me: Yeah, let me set it up. You can look around
Cassie: Aight
I hooked up the Wii and turned the game on. I grabbed 2 remotes and gave Cassie on. She's going to loose...

Cassie POV

I love this game, he's gonna loose.
Me: Ayye, whoever loosehas to give the winner $50,deal?
Slim: Aight, be prepared to loose then
Me: We going to see...
He picked Thriller and selected hard mode. The music started playing and I was winning. Ha!
The song ended and I won!
Me: Ha, I won. Give me my $50.
Slim: Fine. Here
He put it in front of me, and I tried to get it but he put it behind his back.
Cassie: Man quit playing, give me my money!
Slim: Come and get it
He ran all around the house, he play too much. He ran in his room. I went in their and he wasn't nowhere to be seen. I looked around his room, it was nice.
Me: Aaaahhhh, what the fuck Slim!
Slim: Haha, i was just playing witch yo scary self. Here
He handed me my money.
Me: Thank you. I said with a little attitude.
Slim: What's wrong? I was just playing
Me: Whatever. I walked out the room and back to the game room.
Slim: Are you seriously mad at me? Come on Cassie! He caught up with me and hugged me. I'm sorry.
Me: Haha, I was just playing. You should've seen your face! *ROTFL* Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Slim: Aight, Cassie. I got you.
Cassie: Ok, ok. I'm sorry
Slim: It's ok, but what you want to do now?
Me: Can we watch movies and eat junk food all day?
Slim: Aight, what kind of junk food you want?
Me: Takis, ice cream, doughnuts, and Watermelon Brisk
Slim: Ok, be right back, go in my room
Me: Aight
I walked around the house, just looking around. I spotted Swae in the living room playing video games.
Me: Hey Swae
Swae: Hey, what you and Slim doing? I heard you laughing
Me: Oh, we was just fooling around. We about to watch movies and eat junk food
Swae: Oh, can I join?
Me: I don't know, you have to ask Slim that
Swae: Aight
Me: Ok, nice talking to ya, bye.
Swae: Wait, can I get your number since you hanging with my bro? I mean, so we could be friends and all.
Me: Sure, let me see your phone
He handed me his phone, and i handed him mine.
Swa: Aight then, beautiful. See ya later
Me: Bye I walked back into Slim's room and layed down on his bed. Then he came in the room with plenty snacks. He had Takis, ice cream, a Watermelon Brisk, chocolate chip cookies, Flamin' Hots, and Pepsi.
I got out the bed and grabbed my stuff and set it on the table by the bed. He put Friday in and we got in the bed with all our stuff. The lights was out, and we were close by each other. We ate, laughed, and talked through the movie. I was getting tired though.
Me: I'm getting tired. I said rubbing my eyes
Slim: You want to go to sleep with me?
Me: yes please
We got comfortable on the bed and he turned the light off.
Me: Good night
Slim: Good night... I love you
Then we fell asleep

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