Platform Smoke and Lost Toads | Draco

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September First, 1990

I didn't need Dobby or Mother to wake me up this morning. In fact, I woke up an hour early. I packed all my things yesterday, but I checked to make sure I had everything. I walked through the entire Manor, went back to my room, and lay on my bed for another ten minutes. I turned my head and looked at the large clock on the wall. 6:20. I frowned. I got up and walked to the dining room and took a seat. I sat there for about five minutes and got up again. 

After another hour of aimlessly wandering around, my parents woke up. And after spending an hour eating breakfast (I finished mine in ten minutes) we finally left the house. We arrived at Kings Cross Station, and I finally got to do what I was waiting to do all summer. I walked until I reached platform 9 and 10.

I gripped my trolley tightly and ran at the wall. A second later, I was no longer standing in a train station full of ignorant muggles but instead at one bustling with witches and wizards, chatting to their family and friends excitedly. A great scarlet steam train was waiting at the platform and students were excitedly clambering on, saying goodbye to their parents. Smoke from the engine wafted through the station, the meowing of cats and hooting of owls filled my ears, as well as excited chatter. I turned around to see if my Mother had come in yet. She was about a metre away from the entrance. She nodded at me, giving me permission to board the train.

I grinned as I excitedly made my way to the train. I quickly found an empty compartment and sat next to the window. Looking out of it, I could see my Mother slowly walking towards me. The train whistled loudly and the last of the students hurried onto the train. 

"Hope you have a fun term Draco," she shouted over the loud train. 

"I will! See you at Christmas!" I replied, waving like a lunatic. She did a small wave as the train slowly started rumbling forward.

"Bye Mum!"

"Bye Draco."

I lost sight of my mother when the train rounded the corner. I moved away from the window and sat comfortably in my seat. After about five minutes of nice peace, the door slid open, revealing Crabbe and Goyle, the night trolls.

"Mind if we sit here?" Goyle grunted.

I nodded in approval. They shuffled into the bench opposite of me.

After an hour or so of just chatting, a smiling woman came by our compartment, rolling a cart of snacks.

"Anything off the trolley, dears?" the dimpled witch asked.

I purchased a little bit of everything-Bertie Bott's, Drooble's, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldron cakes, Liquorice  Wands, and loads more.

Crabbe and Goyle got... quite a bit.

I got another Dumbledore card from a Chocolate Frog, and I also got a Slytherin card. I took it as a good omen.

At some point, a nervous boy who looked my age knocked on our compartment door. He slowly pulled it opened.

"Hello," he said, sounding very worried. "I'm sorry, but have you seen a toad at all?"

My eyes made a sweep of the room. "No, why?"

"Trevor!" the boy cried. "I've lost him!"

He then slid the door shut a little too forcefully and hurried off to the next cabin.

"What a loser," Goyle said. He and Crabbe laughed at the horrible pun. Well, I think it was laughter. It really sounded more like grunting. Little bits of Pumpkin Pasties and Cauldron Cakes were flying out their mouths. I looked away in disgust.

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