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"Wow, it's cold."

As soon as I left the law firm building, the bitter cold of January hit my entire body.

I think it's particularly cold because I was active mainly in California in my last life.

Because California is a warm region all year round.

By the way, Attorney Choi Ji-woon is a very consistent person.

Should I say there is no bias?

No matter how old the other person is or what their occupation is, he does not wear colored glasses as long as it helps him.

Normally, he would have asked me how I collected this information, but this person was only interested in the authenticity of the information.

Since such a person is competent, he is the perfect business partner for my current situation.

The first time I met Choi Ji-woon was during my third life.

At the time, I was facing quite a big legal problem.

Although I achieved great success by actively utilizing future knowledge, the method of success offended the vested interests in the music industry.

I thought it was unfair at the time when I was in my third life, but now I see that I had no commercial morality.

Anyway, while looking for a lawyer at that time, I met Choi Ji-woon, and he showed great resourcefulness and solved my crisis.

After that, we became friends, and one time we had this conversation while drinking.

"Attorney, you know the story of my parents, right?"

"I know. The entire nation knows."

"If I had entrusted the request to lawyer when I was 20, would I have been able to manage my parents' assets?"

"Where was the jurisdiction of the family court?"

"Seocho-gu court."

"Well, it's easy."

"Would the lawyer accept a request from a 20-year-old?"

"Well. If you were to give half of your assets, I would accept it? Isn't this a Korean sentiment? We get along well, half and half."

So, as soon as the 4th time started, I visited lawyer Choi Ji-woon, and for the first time, I was able to manage my parents' property.

In fact, now I am confident that I can persuade Choi Ji-woon even if I don't have to give him half of it.

No, maybe I can hire a few local lawyers and win guardianship on my own.

However, since I decided to work in Korea, I wanted to make a good impression on Choi Ji-woon.

He is a very capable person.

Both legally and illegally.

A 20-year-old child can easily solve problems that cannot be solved with 10 million won.

After all, the amount of money is not important to a regressor.


While I was thinking that, my cell phone in my pocket vibrated.

At first I thought it was my uncle. (Father's sister's husband)

After being discharged from the hospital and chewing on my phone for a few days, it was time to feel anger and resentment.

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