daddy's little girl

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"H..." Tom Riddle's voice reeked of disappointment and sadness, as he was stood in front of his seven year old daughter, in their living room at Riddle Manor.

Princess Hermione Ellene Riddle, couldn't bear her Father's tone, looking down at her lap, as she sat on the couch.

Sighing, knowing that disappointment wasn't going to get the message across, but only upset Hermione further, Tom chose to sit down next to her, as he picked her up, putting her on his lap, facing him. He dipped a finger under her chin, gently lifting it up to look at him. 

"Hermione, I'm not upset. I just want to understand...why?"

"H-he was going to kill me Father. He took one look at my eyes and knew who I was. So I had to kill him. I took a knife from my sock and stabbed him." Hermione looked down at her bloodied hands, and dress.

"You wouldn't have been in that mess, if you hadn't snuck out in the first place. You went to the MINISTRY! And I've always told you to steer clear of that place, haven't I?"

"Y-yes Father."

"So, then why did you sneak out?"

"Brennan didn't want to play with me and neither did Nathan. They were doing work and homework and I was bored so I snuck into the back of one of the carriages before you left."

"Your brothers are older H, they have more responsibilities like school."

"Yeah, but they're not fun anymore and I was bored." 

"Hermione, you know that's not a good enough excuse for sneaking out and coming on a mission for adults."


"H, don't argue back. Deep down, you know you were in the wrong too."

That sentence made Hermione tear up, knowing what was going to happen next.

"Go stand in the corner Hermione."

"No!" she whined, turning away and crossing her arms with a pout.

Tom Riddle turned her back to face him, "I don't think this is a pouting matter. Don't act like a three year old, you're better than that. And how many times have I told you not to say no to me when I tell you to do something?"

She didn't respond, still in a state of defiance.

"Hermione Ellene, I'm waiting for an answer."

"Lots of times."

"I think you're missing a small little word at the end of that sentence."

"Lots of times Father." Tom may care for his children, but he will NOT let up on respect. 

"Thank you. Now go do what I told you to do please." Tom set her on the ground as she dragged her feet to the 'naughty corner,' staring at where the two walls met. She knew she would have seven minutes of corner time where she was supposed to 'reflect on her actions.' All she could thing about was her impending punishment.

Seven minutes passed, painfully...slowly. But then her Father beckoned her out, "Come here Hermione."

She turned around walking to him, and she quickened her pace as her Father opened his arms. She ran willingly into his arms, feeling immediately comforted by the hug. "I love you babygirl. So much. I just want to keep you safe and happy...that's all."

"I love you too Father." she planted a kiss on his cheek as he grinned from ear to ear.

"Let's go get you into the bath and changed into comfier clothes. I will punish you for sneaking out tomorrow morning. It's been a long day already."

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