Boy trouble

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"Aphmau, there is someone at a table. Can you please serve them?" Katelyn looks at me. I nod and walk out into the seating area. I walk up to a tall man.
"Hello sir, may I take your order." I say with a smile. The man looks up at me.
"Hello, I would like a pumpkin spiced latte and a chocolate chip cookie." The man says to me. I write down the order.
"Will that be all today?" I ask the man. The man nods with a small smile. I smile and walk to the kitchen. I give Kawai~Chan the man's order.
"Hey Aph." Aaron says coming into the kitchen looking a little tired.
"How much sleep did you get last night and are you okay?" I ask standing straight now and looking at him worried. "Do you need anything?"
"I'm fine Aph, just a little tired. Also I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow." Aaron says.

I look at him with a smile and nod. Aaron is someone I've just always been close with and someone I care for dearly although my mom doesn't like him so much. My mom hasn't liked Aaron or any boy around me except for Travis, my not alone buddy. Travis and I are just co-workers though, and he's dating Katelyn although my mom wanted me with him, but it's his choice and it's also mine. "Alright see you on Saturday." He says with a warm smile before walking to a table and taking their order.
"Is it just me or are you both in love." Travis says walking in with an order.
"Travis! We're just friends!" I shout softly.
"Your face says otherwise." Katelyn says with a slight smirk. "Don't deny it Aphmau we all know you like him, well except for Aaron." She says looking at me.
"Don't let Kawaii~chan find out that you like him, she'll make her shipping shrine bigger." Travis says.
"You think? We live with her." Katelyn says rolling her eyes playfully. Katelyn and I giggle.
"Order for table 6!" Kawai~chan says from the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen. I grab the food. I walk to table 6. I put the food on the table.
"Here's your food sir." I smile softly.
"Thank you very much ma'am." The man smiles back at me.

I walk away and go seat some customers. "Hello, what would you like to eat or drink?" I ask the customers after they sit down.
"I would like an iced coffee and a cheesecake." The man says.
"And I would like a coffee with cream and a baby chocolate cake." A woman says with a smile. I smile and write down the order. I walk to the kitchen.

The end of the day:

I wait for Katelyn and Kawai~Chan. "Hurry up girls!" I yell as I put the cleaning supplies in a storage closet.
"We're coming!" Katelyn yells from the kitchen. I wait by the door for them. The girls walk into the room with Travis and Aaron behind them. The boys seem to be talking about boy stuff and the girls are talking about something.
"Lets go." I say. The boys and girls nod. We all walk out of the restuarant together. I lock it up after everyone has begun walking but Aaron waits for me. I walk with Aaron back to Katelyn, Kawai~chan, and my house. Aaron and I talk the whole way back.

"So you wanna meet at 12 in the afternoon? We can have lunch and then re-make some memories." Aaron suggests.
"That's a great idea!" I smile. "And we can meet at the cafe where we always met up before school to get a coffee!" I say.
"Good idea!" Aaron says smiling. I continue walking and talking with Aaron to the house.

A few moments later:

I see the house. "Bye Travis!" Katelyn and Kawai~Chan say. I wave at Travis and he waves at all of us.
"Bye girls, bye Aaron!" Travis yells as he walks away. The girls walk into the house. I stand outside with Aaron for a little bit.
"Aphmau hurry up!" Katelyn yells from the inside of the house.
"Give me a few minutes and then we can have a girls night!" I yell back as I turn my attention back to Aaron. "Good night Aaron. See you tomorrow!" I smile.
"See you tomorrow Aph." Aaron says with a small smile. I run into the house knowing the girls are waiting for me. I close the door to the house after I walk in. I then walk into the living room only to see Katelyn and Kawai~Chan waiting for me.
"Girls night!" Kawai~Chan yells. Katelyn and I laugh as we all go to our rooms and get changed.

10 minutes later:

We're all sitting in the living room chatting about our plans for the weekend and just anything we needed to get off our chests. "So, are you ready for your date with Aaron tomorrow?" Katelyn teases me.
"We're just friends and we're only hanging out!" I yell playfully. The girls and I all laugh.
"Aphmau-Senpai.... We know you've liked him since high school. You two were close and you told the girls about liking Aaron." Kawai~Chan says as she puts curlers into my hair.
"That was high school. Things have changed. People have changed." I say looking at the floor.
"Aphmau... Are you sure you're okay? We all know you still like him still." Katelyn says as she squeezes my shoulder. I smile softly.
"I'll figure it out." I say as I feel tears prick my eyes. The girls notice and hug me.
"It'll be alright Aphmau." Katelyn says. "Now lets not let boys get in the way of our girls night!" Katelyn smiles. We all laugh and go back to talking and picking out movies.

15 minutes later:

"I'm gonna go to bed. It's getting late and I'm meeting up with Aaron tomorrow." I say standing up.
"Alright. Good night." Katelyn says. I walk up to my room and sit on my bed. I hear my phone ding. I pick it up and see Aaron sent me a text message. Aaron and I begin texting each other for a little while.

1 hour later:

I yawn and text Aaron. "Good night. I'm tired. I'll see you tomorrow." I text. We say good night to each other. I turn off my phone and put it on my nightstand. I plug in my phone and go to sleep.

Two best friends went to loversWhere stories live. Discover now