; Double Take .

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; 3rd Person's POV .

As the three entered the room, Test Tube made them sit on the chairs that were on the opposite side of the table that was in the center of the room. Test Tube soon flipped the page on the clipboard and wrote something, she did it twice. Maybe it was the answer file for each of the two, Taco and Lightbulb. Test Tube soon scoffed and soon spoke, "Before we start, I want to point out. No, you can not find a way out of here." She said and looked at Taco with a menacing look. Taco groaned and sighed, knowing that that was already out of the options. "Okay then, let's start!" She said with a passive-aggressive smile.

Test Tube took a moment to ask the questions as she looked a bit puzzled or rather to be in a bit of a problem. She then spoke, "Okay, here's a set of questions that both of you can answer..." She said and turned the page onto there. "On a scale of 1-10, how much do you rate your happiness? 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest." She asked. Both Taco and Lightbulb took their time to answer. "4." Lightbulb answered with a straightforward face. Taco's reaction to Lightbulb's answer gave her suspicions towards her. "6," Taco answered as she glanced at Lightbulb and then back at Test Tube.

"What do you feel when you get left or abandoned because of your actions?" Test Tube said the next question as she didn't look up at the two and just kept her eyes on the paper. There was a long silence between the three, being broken when Taco answered; "Guilty.". Lightbulb looked away and answered "Feeling of self hatred." She said and looked back at Test Tube. Every answer that Lightbulb gave, made Taco rethink her definition towards the bright bulb. Taco shook her head and just thought that Lightbulb was just messing around. But she doubts that Lightbulb hasn't smiled or made a dumb joke.

"What is your 'favorite' color?" Test Tube asked, gesturing air signs as she said favorite. Taco quickly answered, "Grey–" she said in a bit of a...hurry? Panic? Rush? "Yello– ... Brown," Lightbulb answered, giving a small smile and a bit of a relieved look. The two of them immediately knew why they chose those colors. "What does those color remind you of?" Test Tube asked. "Good direction of heart." Answered Taco. "Hope." Said Lightbulb. Test Tube soon wrote something on the paper and raised an eyebrow. "Do those resemble; Microphone and Paintbrush?" Test Tube asked. The two soon nodded. Test Tube snickered, "I'm gonna ask a new set of questions," she said and stood up, "You both stay here. Like you can leave anyways..." she said and left the room.

As she left the room, silence fell over the two. And the feeling of discomfort brought upon them. Taco soon stood up and began to examine the room. She twisted the door knob, "Shit-" Taco said underneath her breath as she felt a small electric shock go through her hand. "She did told us we can't find a way out of here. Are you that stupid to think she'd leave us in a room with an easy way out through a door?" Lightbulb said in a sarcastic tone and rolled her eyes. "Well, at least I'm doing something to actually find a way out." Said Taco and sat back on the chair, crossing her arms.

Lightbulb gave a small 'tch'. Test Tube soon came back and sat back down on the chair, holding the new set of questions. "Okay, let's continue." She said, looking at the paper. "How much do you depend on them?" She asked. The two immediately knew what the new batch of questions were going to be based on. "That's a negative. I can't trust her with squats." Taco answered and rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms. Test Tube raised an eyebrow as she looked at Taco. "I'll give her a 4." Taco murmured and groaned. Lightbulb soon chuckled and then scoffed, "8," Lightbulb said.

"Do you feel threatened by them?" Test Tube asked. "No." Taco answered and snickered. "Not in any particular way." Lightbulb answered and looked away. After a batch of questions asked towards the two. They finished. Test Tube stood up, "Okay. Lightbulb, I need you to stay just a bit longer." She said and turned her attention to Test Tube, "I have another set of questions for you...". Lightbulb felt a wave of concern and eeriness go through her body. She glanced over to Taco to see what her reaction was. Taco was looking at her with a serious face afterwards she looked at Test Tube, "Am I...going back?" She asked. "Yes." Test Tube answered as she opened the door, waiting for Taco to follow her. Taco soon followed. The door behind them locked, leaving Lightbulb inside. After a few seconds or so, Test Tube came back. Sitting back onto the seat and grabbed a new clipboard that Lightbulb assumes to be the new set of questions for her. It started.

"Let's talk about how you control your electricity."

; Taco's POV .

Once I got back to the room we were locked up. Two people(or objects) immediately went up to me and yelled; "Where's Lightbulb?!". It was Paint Brush and Fan. They were dead mad and serious. I looked at both of them, "Test Tube made her stay because she needs to ask a new set of questions." I answered and successfully got away from the two that were questioning me. "What?! You left her!?" Paint Brush asked, grabbing both my arms as they started to squeeze it hard. "Look, if I had a choice. I would stay for her quote un-quote "protection" but Test Tube wouldn't let me stay." I said as their squeeze continued to tighten. They soon let go as they pushed me away, they groaned.

I rolled my eyes and went over to, augh, Microphone since she's the only one who tolerates me at this point. "Are you...okay?" She asked as I sat next to her, leaning my back against the wall. "I guess. I'm partially worried about Lightbulb. The questions I asked with her...opened something in me. She isn't just an enthusiastic bulb." I answered, avoiding eye contact with her. After those questions get asked towards us, me. I feel...a bit threatened and one could even say, scared. I know she'll be using that information for something. I know I could've lied about every question and answer but those questions got under my skin and that doesn't happen much.

A few moments later, Lightbulb returned. I watched as she entered back into the room with her hands all bandaged up, she looked scared. Paint Brush immediately hugged her, starting to ask questions if she was okay or hurt. Lightbulb was looking directly at me. "Are you okay?!" Paint Brush asked as they let go of Lightbulb, looking at her with concern in their eyes. "Oh, I'm fine." She answered and stopped looking at me, giving her attention towards Paint Brush. Was the direct stare at me positive or negative? I can't understand her facial expressions anymore. Or her words. It feels like she could be lying about everything.

I do wonder why her hands are all bandaged up. Are her hands burnt? I'm not sure but I'm hoping for a more positive answer than that. I have a lot of questions rattling inside my head but I think everything and everyone is going to receive questions themselves. We'd be sick to the core. I stopped thinking about the things that have happened in the last few minutes, or hours? I still can't tell the time since again, there's no clocks here.

; Lightbulb's POV .

"How do you control it exactly?"

"I mostly use it for fun."

"You know you can do a lot of things with that. And yet you just use it for fun?"


But I like fun.

"Lightbulb? LB?"


"Are you...sure you're okay?" Paintbrush asked with a worried and concerned tone. I looked at my hands as it shaked a bit, I felt their hand hold mine gently. "C'mon, you helped me after Test Tube gave me those questions. I want to help you too."they said, giving me a gentle smile. I soon took a deep breath and then let it all out, I returned a small smile to them. "Right..." I replied, looking back at my hands and then back at them. "Do you mind telling me what happened to your hands?" They asked me, they had a worried and concerned look on their face. They tilt their head, "Do you want me to take the bandages off?" they asked.

I soon gave them a small smile as I nodded, "Yes please...". They soon gently grabbed both my hands and started taking the bandages off. Afterwards, there was a short silence between me and them. I soon pulled them for a warm hug as I smiled. "Thanks, Painty" I said, still holding them, hugging them. They soon returned a smile at me, "So...what happened? If you don't mind me asking." They asked again. I took a sigh and leaned my back against the wall.

"That's a story for another time." I said as I repeated what they said last time. I giggled.


Word Count: 1,570

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(This is so late erm)


Co-Writer: eepydaze / dxisy

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