; Command Indecisive .

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This Chapter includes the following:
Questions related to s̵e̵l̵f̵ ̵h̵a̵r̵m̵
Thoughts of  ̶s̶u̶i̶c̶i̶d̶e̶
Sensitive questions

Read at your own risks.


; 3rd Person's POV .

; 10-15 minutes earlier... .

MePhone was sent to find the other contestants, he's been walking for a hot minute or three. As minutes passed by, the Moon rose and shone under the forest. Giving just the slightest light to give MePhone to see around the area. He opened his light and continued to walk around. After walking just a couple more minutes. The animatronic phone stumbled upon a vending machine. He looked at the only two options. Dr. Fizz and Water. "I've been walking for 8 minutes now, I deserve a drink... Dr. Fizz!" MePhone said, he pressed the button and waited for something to happen. Nothing happened. He soon thought the machine just malfunctioned, so he pressed it again. Still nothing.

He soon pressed the water button and still nothing. He groaned and started pressing the two buttons over and over again. Soon enough he accidentally opened the entrance to the lab and he got sucked in. Falling into the Lab. He stood up from the floor and looked around at the unfamiliar place. "Hm, a MePhone4 to add to the collection? How fun... This'll be so fun." She said from behind the animatronic phone. He soon fell down onto the floor unconscious.

; Present time .

MePhone slowly opened his eyes to see the group of Objects he was looking for earlier. "Thank God, he's awake." Knife said. MePhone started to sit up and looked around. He soon remembered what happened before he got here, in this...whatever it is. "How did you end up here as well?" Baseball asked and walked towards MePhone, looking confused and puzzled. "Well, I was sent to find you guys. And I did." The gadget answered and finally stood up.

"We are not staying here any longer." He said and clicked his button that he was hoping to teleport them all out of the room. It didn't work. He looked confused as he looked at the button and started clicking it continuously. "What?! It won't work!? It's like she shut all my connections!" MePhone shouted as he groaned from anger and annoyment. "Sorry gang, can't do anything to help." He said and crossed his arms, looking at everyone. He felt so annoyed he couldn't teleport them out or do anything to help. Just his non-existing luck.

"Useless as you'll ever be." Nickel said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes. He scoffed at the end of his sentence. MePhone wanted to insult him back but what's the point? Nickel was right. There was nothing else to defend. — Silence filled the room. Waiting for something to happen. Just anything at this point. Moments passed as the others went to start conversations, strategies to leave. OJ was...looking at them from time to time. To time. Something was bound to happen. Eventually...

; Paintbrush's POV .

I was glad that Lightbulb was still acting all positive and chatty. Even in this type of situation. It makes me feel like there's hope. And it doesn't make me feel scared. Concerned, yes, but... Not so much. Her radioactive positivity is really effective, especially towards me. I think she balances me out. Like I said, I'm glad to be around Lightbulb. Really glad to be her friend. She was talking about Baxter. I miss Baxter, I haven't seen him for a while now. Hope he's doing okay. But I'm sure he is.

"What do you think, Painty?" Lightbulb asked me. I soon turned to her, "Uhm... What was the question?" I asked. I wasn't paying attention. I was...thinking to myself. "I said, I should buy Baxter a tank after we get out of here. Maybe get him a friend!" She answered and smiled, swaying her legs on the floor to keep her entertained. "Ah, of course. I'm sure Baxter would like that!" I answered and gave her a gentle smile. She soon continued to talk and give thoughts about Baxter and other things like...scuba diving, swimming, treasure hunting etc. She really likes the ocean, huh?

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