Chapter 16: Dominance and Submission

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Nathan's POV:

 As we led Audrey away from the battlefield, her hand clasped tightly in mine, I felt a surge of desire course through me. The scent of blood and victory lingered in the air, igniting a primal hunger within me that could only be sated by her touch.

In our private chambers, as Audrey stood before us, her body aglow with anticipation, I couldn't tear my gaze away from her. She was our queen, our love, our everything, and tonight, we would show her just how much she meant to us.

"You are nostra regina, Audrey," I whispered, my voice husky with desire. "And tonight, noi ti adoreremo come meriti." (We will worship you as you deserve.)

Jack's eyes smoldered with desire as he approached Audrey, his hands tracing every curve of her body with a reverence that left me breathless. "Ogni centimetro di te è un capolavoro, Audrey," he murmured, his words a caress against her skin. "E questa notte, ti mostreremo quanto significhi per noi." (Every inch of you is a masterpiece, Audrey. And tonight, we will show you how much you mean to us.)

Ron and Jeremy joined us, their touches igniting a firestorm of passion that threatened to consume us all. As we moved together in a passionate crescendo, our desires colliding in a symphony of pleasure, I knew that I was home.

With Audrey, Jack, Ron, and Jeremy by my side, I had found a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space. And as we collapsed into each other's arms, spent yet sated, I knew that I had found my place in the world, surrounded by the love of my mates.

Jack's POV: 

Leading Audrey away from the chaos of the battlefield, her hand nestled in mine, I felt a surge of desire wash over me. The scent of blood and victory hung in the air, fueling the fire of passion that burned within me.

In our private chambers, as Audrey stood before us, her beauty illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight, I couldn't help but marvel at her. She was our queen, our goddess, and tonight, we would worship her with all the love and devotion in our hearts.

"Tu sei il nostro amore, Audrey," I whispered, my voice filled with longing. "E questa notte, noi ti mostreremo quanto ti amiamo." (You are our love, Audrey. And tonight, we will show you how much we love you.)

Ron and Jeremy's touches ignited a blaze of passion that threatened to consume us all. As we moved together in a passionate embrace, our desires colliding in a symphony of pleasure, I knew that I was home.

With Audrey, Nathan, Ron, and Jeremy by my side, I had found a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space. And as we collapsed into each other's arms, spent yet sated, I knew that I had found my place in the world, surrounded by the love of my mates.

Ron's POV: 

Leading Audrey away from the battlefield, her hand clasped in mine, I felt a surge of emotion overwhelm me. The scent of blood and victory hung heavy in the air, but amidst the chaos, all I could focus on was her.

In our private chambers, as Audrey stood before us, her beauty illuminated by the flickering candlelight, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. She was our queen, our guiding light, and tonight, we would worship her with all the love in our hearts.

(RH) Lunar Enchantment:The Alpha's Mate with Mystic Might (Short Story)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora